

CIPP Members are active contributors to academic scholarship. Recent publications include the following:

E. Richard Gold

Gold, E. Richard.“What the COVID-19 pandemic revealed about intellectual property” (2022) 40Nature Biotechnology1428-1430,.

Gold, E. Richard, and Edwards, Aled M. “Overcoming Market Failures in Pandemic Drug Discovery Through Open Science: A Canadian Solution” (2022) 2Frontiers in Drug Discoverydoi:10.3389/fddsv.2022.898654.

Herder, Matthew,Gold, E. Richard, and Murthy, Srinivas. “University Technology Transfer Has Failed to Improve Access to Global Health Products during the COVID-19 Pandemic” (2022) 17:4Healthcare Policy,5-25, doi:10.12927/hcpol.2022.26830

Herder, Matthew,Gold, E. Richard, and Murthy, Srinivas. “A Status Quo of Failure: Time to Fix University Technology Transfer to Address Global Health” (2022) 17:4Healthcare Policy,45-47 doi:10.12927/hcpol.2022.26827

Jha, Srivardhini K.,Gold,E. Richard,and Dubé, Laurette. “Modular Interorganizational Network Governance: A Conceptual Framework for Addressing Complex Social Problems” (2021)Sustainability13, no. 18: 10292..

Gold, E. Richard, “The Fall of the Innovation Empire and its Possible Rise Through Open Science” (2021) Research Policy 50:5 104226.

Bubela, Tania,Gold, E. Richard, Goel, Vivek,et al.“Open drug discovery of anti-virals critical for Canada’s pandemic strategy” (2021) FACETS 5(1): 1019-1036,

Herder, Matthew, Graham, Janice E.,Gold, Richard. “From discovery to delivery: public sector development of the rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine” (2020) J. of L. and the Biosciences 1-14, doi:10.1093/jlb/lsz019.

McCabe, C., Boadway, R., Lange, F.,Gold, E.R., Cotton, C., Adamowicz, W., Breznitz, D., Elgie, S., Forget, E., Jones, E., de Marcellis-Warin, N., Peacock, S., Tedds, L. Renewing the Social Contract: Economic Recovery in Canada from COVID-19. Royal Society of Canada. 2020.

Pierre-Emmanuel Moyse

P.-E. Moyse, Le Cosmos de la propriété intellectuelle, Actes du colloque intitulé « L’enseignant-chercheur en propriété intellectuelle », co-organisé par l’Association des Jeunes Universitaires Spécialisés en Propriété Intellectuelle (JUSPI), (accepted) 2023 (forthcoming, 20pp) 

P.-E. Moyseet al., White Paper – The Future of Intellectual Property, sept. 2022,  (56pp) 

P.-E. Moyse, K Baulieu, and B. Godbout), De la garantie de qualité à l’obsolescence programmée – Étude empirique sur les cas de bris de produits portés devant la Cour des petites créances, (2023) (submitted) (71 pp.)

P.-E. Myose, « Le droit moral », Fascicule 7, Jurisclasseur en propriété intellectuelle, dans Propriété Intellectuelle, Montréal, LexisNexis, 2022. 

P.-E. Moyse, « Le droit moral », Fascicule 7, Jurisclasseur en propriété intellectuelle, dans Propriété Intellectuelle, Montréal, LexisNexis, 2022. 

P.-E. Moyse, Le génie du droit d’auteur, (2021) 33 C.P.I pp. 111-168. 

P.-E. Moyse, The Uneasy Case of Programmed Obsolescence, (2020) 71 U. New Brunswick Law Journal pp. 66-113. 

Ignacio Cofone

Ignacio Cofone.2022. Privacy Standing. University of Illinois Law Review 101. Available at , UILR. 

Ignacio Cofone.2022. Ethical Surveillance in Vaccine Passports. 45 Fordham International Law Journal 621. Available at , . 

Ignacio Cofone.2021.Beyond Data Ownership, 43 Cardozo Law Review 501-572. Available at , . 

Ignacio Cofone.2021.Immunity Passports and Contact Tracing Surveillance. 24 Stanford Technology Law Review 176-236. Available at , .  

Ignacio Cofone.2021.A.I. in Judicial Decision-making102 Supreme Court Law Review 21-37. Available at  (extract).. Also published as: A.I. and Judicial Decision-Making, in Teresa Scassa and Florian Martin-Bariteau (eds.), Artificial Intelligence and the Law 331-348 (LexisNexis: Toronto, 2021).

Ignacio Cofoneand Thomas Kadri. 2021. Cy Près Settlements in Privacy Class Actions. In Ignacio Cofone (ed.), Class Actions in Privacy Law 99-112 (Routledge: London, 2021). Available at  (貹ɲ),  (preprint). Translated to Spanish : Acuerdos cy près en acciones de clase sobre privacidad, 2:1 Revista Juridica Austral 33-50 (2021). Available at . 

Ignacio Cofone.2021. Privacy. in Alain Marciano & Giovanni Battista Ramello eds., Encyclopedia of Law and Economics 1-6 (Springer, 2ndedition: 2021). Available at  (貹ɲ),  (preprint). 

Ignacio Cofone.2021. COVID Alert’s Privacy Promises and Surveillance Risks. Centre for Media, Technology & Democracy. Available at . 

Ignacio Cofoneand Catalina Turriago Betancourt.2020. The Right to be Forgotten in Peace Processes. In Ignacio Cofone (ed.), The Right to be Forgotten: A Canadian and Comparative Perspective 76-101 (Routledge: London, 2020). Available at  (貹ɲ),  (preprint). 

Ignacio Cofone.2020. Policy Proposals for PIPEDA Reform to Address Artificial Intelligence. Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Available at . 

Ignacio Cofone.2020. Nothing to Hide, but Something to Lose. 70.1 University of Toronto Law Journal 64-90.

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