Eligibility criteria
- Propose research that will contribute to the lives of rural adolescent girls and/or women farmers through expanding knowledge and skills, and/or improving access to needed services and markets
- Doctoral researchers and Post-doctoral fellows must be either Canadian or citizens of eligible Sub-Saharan LMIC
- All early career researchers must be citizens of eligible Sub-Saharan LMIC
- Citizens of eligible Sub-Saharan LMIC must have a formal link with the University of Ghana
- Canadians must be able to travel to Ghana and eligible Sub-Saharan LMIC citizens must be able to travel to Canada and/or another eligible Sub-Saharan LMIC for a minimum of 90 days (not necessary to be consecutive)
Selection criteria
All scholars will be evaluated based on:
- quality of candidate
- quality of the proposed research
- potential to benefit from the international experience and professional training
- potential to contribute long-term to the institutional building of the University of Ghana and the RPP in Ghana
To apply -Please note that applications are currently closed!
Applicants should send in one pdf file and the following items to qes_linkin-ghana_admin.shn [at] mcgill.ca (Priscilla Boadi).
- Maximum one-page statement on the value of the proposed research opportunity and training, previous overseas experience, interest in community development/entrepreneurship, and vision of long-term commitment to Ghana
- Maximum two-page summary of research proposal (page limit excludes tables, figures, & references), clearly indicating the benefit for adolescent girls and/or women’s nutrition
- Transcripts (unofficial)
- CV
- Letter of recommendation from advisor