
Video Archived Events

22 February 2023, Spiritual Care and Palliative care,Zoom Workshop

Patricia Friesen moderated a panel of five guests:
Imam Salam Elmenyawi, Cathie Macaulay, Kim Chi Pham, Chaplain Kosta Theofanos and Reverand Gwenda Wells.

We regret that the recording of this event will no longer accessible after April 21 2023.

Workshop flyer

Justin Sanders, MD, MSc, FAAHPM gave his lecture entitled:
"What's past is prologue: Healing Relationships and the Future of Palliative Care"

Justin Sanders, MD

Palliative Care at Home : Access and Services in Montreal
The speakers, with experience in a variety of aspects on the subject, discussed how to access palliative care at home, the services available and the collaboration with the community partners

Manon Labine, Msc. nurse and program manager in the home care program at CIUSSS West-Central Montreal, palliative home care.

Audrey-Jane Hall,B.sc nurse, Director of palliative care and Quality at theSociété de soins palliatifs à domicile du Grand Montréal.

Dominique Gohier, Clinical nurse and General Director by interim at Nova Montréal

This workshop was also presented in French, please click




Making Sense of Loss:Understanding and Affirming Your Grief with
Exploring the ۲ݮƵ context of death and dying during the pandemic

"Funerals and Pre-arrangementsduring the Pandemic" with
Danny Hun Discussinghow to plan, what to expect, and things you
should know in the event of the death.

PDF icon funeral_planning_powerpoint.pdf

"Supporting Healthy Grieving through the Pandemic" with
Dawn Cruchet BN, Med, Grief Educator and Counsellor will
focus on the idea that grief is grief and hasn’t changed in the pandemic, for the griever; however, because of so many limitations, people have not been able to share their grief and what do they do with that?

PDF icon griefpandemic_powerpoint_part_1.pdf
PDF icon griefpandemic_powerpoint_part_2.pdf

"Life transitions: How to Open up Conversations with the family," with
Patrick Durivage,MSc, TS, discussing aspects of Advance Care Planning.

"Medical Directives: Promises and Pitfalls" with
Eugene Bereza, BA, MD, CM, CCFP
discussing how to ensure that your wishes and values are respected regarding important decisions made when you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.

"The Palliative Approach in the Nursing Home" with
, MD
discussing her abiding concern for the care that geriatric patients receive and she will focus on the availability of palliative care in long-term care residences.

"The Caregiving Effect: When Love Meets Necessity"
with Donna Thomson

Link to Donna Thomson's blog:

17 May, 2017
"Celebrating Innovation in Palliative Care - Where Next?"
with David Praill

Two recordings on CBC RadioOnein Montreal with members of the Council:

The first isJoan Foster onHome Rundiscussing with host Sue Smith the workshop presented by the Council on "Navigating the System".
The content of what they discussed is very relevant to people, and their families, who have recently received a life-altering diagnosis and addresses the questions of how to go about getting the best help from those who can provide assistance.
PLEASE NOTE that the interview was done just prior tothe workshop on November 14, 2016, so dates and times mentioned are no longer applicable.

The second istalking with ShawnApel on theRadio Noonphone-in program discussing a wide range of issues associated with Palliative Care including the advent of Medical Assisted Dying.
The recording includes many calls from members of the general public who raise many interesting questions.
Please not that the interview was done prior tothe workshop on November 21, 2016, so dates and times mentioned are no longer applicable.

Fall Council Workshop 21 November, 2016
Click forPowerPoint presentation notes
Empowering Your Choices
Franco Carnevale, RN, PhD (Psych, PhD (Phil).

21st. International Congress on Palliative Care 18-21 October, 2016.
The film Little Stars; Accomplishing the Extraordinary in the Face of Serious Illness,
narrated by British actor David Suchet, CBE () and
a , Clinical Professor in the Pediatrics Department of the University of British Columbia.

3 May, 2016
"The Civics of Dying Well"
with B J Miller, M.D.

5 May, 2015
"Public Choices, Private Lives: An End-of-Life Conversation"
with Harvey Schipper, B,ASc, M.D., FRCP(C)
and Véronique Hivon, BCL, LL.B., M.Sc.
moderated by Daniel Jutras, LL.B. LL.M.

6 May, 2014;
Robin Marantz Henig in conversation with Sue Smith,
discussing her article in the NYT Magazine "A Life-or-Death Situation."

Click here to .

Click here to listen to the with Sue Smith.

Click here to listen to the with Tommy Schnurmacker.

7 May, 2013;
Will Schwalbe in conversation with Louise Penny,
discussing his book “The End of Your Life Book Club”
: 9 October, 2012;
Held at the 19th. International Congress on Palliative Care.
“Dying at Home: a Choice.”
Readings from “Home Death,” a play by Nell Dunn.
8 May, 2012;
“Caring for self while caring for others at the end of life.”
Guest lecturer: Michael Kearney, MD.
4 May, 2011;
“The Ethics and Practice of Loving Care.”
Guest lecturer: Ira Byrock, MD.
4 May, 2010;
“Palliative Care: Shedding Light on Euthanasia.”
Guest Lecturer: Kathleen M. Foley, MD.
Council on Palliative Care Spring Workshop: 20 April, 2010;
“The ABC’s of Palliative Care.”
Guest lecturers: Dr Balfour Mount, Rose de Angelis, Laura Boroditsky
: 5 October, 2010;
“The ABC’s of Stress Management.”
Guest lecturer: Ciaran O’Boyle, MD.

Complete reference lists

For a complete listing of all the Sandra Goldberg lectures presented by the Council please refer to
Council on Palliative Care List of Goldberg lectures

For a complete listing of all the Workshops presented by the Council please refer to
Council on Palliative Care List of Workshops from1997 to present

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