Reject and Resubmit: A Formal Analysis of Gender Differences in Reapplication and Their Contribution to Women’s Presence in Talent Pipelines
Authors: Isabel Fernandez-Mateo, Brian Rubineau and Venkat Kuppuswamy
۲ݮƵ ranks among the best Medical/Doctoral Universities of the Year
In an announcement made last week, Canada’s leading research ranking organization, RE$EARCH Infosource, scored ۲ݮƵ second among an A-list of three in the Medical/Doctoral Research University of the Year (RUY) tier. ۲ݮƵ was ranked third on RE$EARCH Infosource’s list of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities in 2022, a position the University has maintained for four years.
Managing Airfares Under Competition: Insights from a Field Experiment
Authors: Maxime C. Cohen, Alexandre Jacquillat, Juan Camilo Serpa and Michael Benborhoum
Publication: Management Science, Forthcoming
Prof. Augustin's paper wins 2022 Global AI Finance Research Conference Best Paper Award
Congratulations to Patrick Augustin, Associate Professor in Finance, whose paper with co-authors Roy Chen-Zhang and Donghwa Shin (both with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) titled “Reaching for Yield in Decentralized Financial Markets” has been awarded the 2022 Global AI Finance Research Conference Best Paper Award.
Prof Han's research paper recognized by the Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Congratulations to Elizabeth Han, Assistant Professor in Information Systems, whose research paper with co-authors Dezhi Yin (University of South Florida) and Han Zhang (Georgia Institute of Technology) titled “Chatbot Empathy in Customer Service: When It Works and When It Backfires” has been selected 2022 Best Paper Runner-Up by the Association for Information Systems (AIS) - Special Interest Group on Human Computer Interaction
Bots with Feelings: Should AI Agents Express Positive Emotion in Customer Service?
Authors: Elizabeth Han, Dezhi Yin and Han Zhang
Publication: Information Systems Research, Forthcoming Published online Articles in Advance: December 2, 2022
In the Midst of Hiring: Pathways of Anticipated and Accidental Job Evolution During Hiring
Authors: Lisa E. Cohen and Sara Mahabadi
Publication: Organization Science Volume 33, Issue 5, September-October 2022, Pages 1938-1963
Prof. Weitzner's paper wins research award
Congratulations to Gregory Weitzner, Assistant Professor in Finance, whose paper “Bank Loan Markups and Adverse Selection” has won the 2022 John W. Ryan Research Award.
Prof. Khern-am-nuai wins Information Systems Society award
Congratulations to Warut Khern-am-nuai, Associate Professor in Information Systems, who has won the ISS Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award.
Constrained optimization of objective functions determined from random forests
Authors: Max Biggs, Rim Hariss and Georgia Perakis
Publication: Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming First published online: September 2022
Creating innovation capabilities for improving global health: Inventing technology for neglected tropical diseases in Brazil
Authors: Paola Perez-Aleman and Tommaso Ferretti
Publication: Journal of International Business Policy, Forthcoming Published Online First (Open Access) September 2022
Dean Yolande E. Chan appointed to Advisory Panel
Congratulations to Dean and James ۲ݮƵ Professor, Yolande E. Chan, who has been appointed to the Government of Canada’s Advisory Panel on the Federal Research Support System.
Professor Kim awarded SSHRC Insight Grant
Congratulations to Anna Kim, Associate Professor in Strategy & Organization, and Sustainability, who was awarded a 2022 SSHRC Insight Grant
“Resilience and Impact of Social Enterprises”
Professor Tan and Guang Ma awarded SSHRC Insight Grant
Congratulations to Hongping Tan, Associate Professor in Accounting and Guang Ma, former ۲ݮƵ Desautels Assistant Professor in Accounting who were awarded a 2022 SSHRC Insight Grant.
“Private Interaction with Management: Evidence from Textual Analysis of Analyst Reports”
Professors Cohen, Khern-am-nuai awarded SSHRC Insight Grant
Congratulations to Maxime Cohen, Professor in Retail and Operations Management and Warut Khern-am-nuai, Associate Professor in Information Systems who were awarded a 2022 SSHRC Insight Grant.
“Understanding Fairness in Fair Machine Learning”