The Cult of the Leader
The claim of this recent book by Manchester Business School professor Christopher Bones is that too much of a focus on ‘leadership’ in business can be counterproductive and even dangerous for organizations.
Henry Mintzberg has been sharing his insights on management for almost 40 years. Often original and provocative, his booksThe Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning and Managers not MBAsare still widely cited, Mintzberg’s Managing brings together a lot of Mintzberg’s key ideas on the practice of management, as exemplified by Mintzberg’s observations of a day in working lives of 29 managers from a wide ride of organisations.
From leadership to 'communityship'
At the core of our existence is a common pool of energy, a deep well of creative capacity which we access whenever we share a sense of belonging to and caring for something larger than ourselves. To generate this common pool of creative capacity involves turning from a linear and closely-controlled leadership environment to a more integrative and holistic worldview.
Doctors Without Borders chief Joanne Liu is determined to hold the world elite accountable
Joanne Liu does not have much time to sit around watching Netflix, but on vacation recently, she caught a series that has captured her imagination:Homeland, the acclaimed political thriller about the fevered plots of U.S. spies and their terrorist enemies. The show stresses the intelligence community’s fallible humanity, but also its brutal comfort with collateral damage. Watching it, Dr. Liu says, “You start thinking, ‘How could Kunduz be a mistake?’”
Morality in business: Oxymoron?
There are those who would say that the term “morality in business” is an oxymoron – a contradiction in terms. Businessmen like to believe that there are two sets of values – one for individuals and a different one for businesses and corporations.
MBA – mặt trái của tấm bằng
Không phải ngẫu nhiên mà các nhà tuyển dụng lại ưa thích những sinh viên tốt nghiệp từ các trường đào tạo chuyên ngành Kinh doanh.
Theo khảo sát do Hội đồng Tuyển sinh Sau Đại học (Graduate Management Admission Council), Mỹ, thực hiện vào tháng 01/2016, 96% nhà tuyển dụng cho rằng thuê những sinh viên chuyên ngành kinh doanh sẽ tạo ra nhiều giá trị hơn cho công ty của họ.
Saving the Planet From Governments And Markets
Countries have been signing the pledges they made last December at the Paris Conference on Climate Change. Think back to that time and ask yourself which had greater influence on your personal behavior: the TV clips you saw from that conference, or the ads that sponsored those clips?
Rèquiem pels plans estratègics
El 3 de febrer passat, Gas Natural Fenosa va presentar els resultats de l'exercici 2015 i va aprofitar per fer balanç del pla estratègic 2013-2015 en uns termes molt satisfactoris per l'assoliment dels objectius marcats. Tanmateix, la reacció dels mercats va ser negativa i els dies successius el preu de les accions va anar a la baixa.
Enough Of Hockey Nightmare In Canada
Please read this one evening, during Hockey Night in America, when you have nothing to do. That no Canadian team made the playoffs this year may be a random occurrence. That none has won a Stanley Cup for 23 years is not. Something is up -- or down.
No MBA? You Can Still be a Great Leader; Maybe Even a Better One
According to Forbes, there are “three major disconnects” that “prevent business schools, especially those with full-time MBA programs,” from developing leaders. Topping the list is a lack of sufficient emphasis on soft “people” skills, Henry Mintzberg, Cleghorn Professor of Management Studies at the Desautels Faculty of Management, ۲ݮƵ University, told the magazine.
Panama Papers May Trigger Demand for Good Government
The parallel universe of some of the world’s wealthy and their bankers was exposed just over a week ago by a massive leak on its inner workings. The Panama Papers concerning more than 200,000 offshore companies continue to create enough waves internationally that the whistleblower on the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca will, when identified, probably become known as the world’s leading “Information Patriot.”
Self-directed coaching for ۲ݮƵ employees and teams
Co-developed by Professor Henry Mintzberg and ۲ݮƵ grad Phil LeNir, CoachingOurselvesis a tool for sparking employee discussion and growth. It’s found success across Canada and around the world, and if you’re a ۲ݮƵ employee, you can use it for free to grow, network, and help achieve your full professional potential.
Managing Upward: A Key Part Of Being A Really Useful Manager For Your People
The most important part of being a great boss is focusing on the people who work for you. Perhaps the second most important element is learning to effectively manage upward. Doing this well can be a great help to the people that work for you.
Ambition internationale, logique industrielle, risques financiers : le dilemme d’EDF
Dans un contexte économique de plus en plus difficile à décrypter et à anticiper, l'agilité est devenue une compétence essentielle des organisations, qui se doivent de développer leur adaptabilité sans sacrifier le volontarisme et la vision de long terme également indispensables à leur succès, voire à leur survie.
Why it's time for business schools to radically rethink the MBA
Employers love business school graduates. That's not just a wild claim: 96% of employers globally polled by the Graduate Management Admission Council in January 2016 said that hiring such graduates creates value for their companies.
But that most-sought-after of business qualifications, the Master of Business Administration (MBA), is not above criticism. It has been accused by some of not meeting the needs of a ۲ݮƵ market.