
Hamid Etemad

Associate Professor, Marketing
Hamid Etemad
Contact Information
Email address: 
hamid.etemad [at] mcgill.ca
Alternate email address: 
darlene.fowler [at] mcgill.ca

Bronfman Building []
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5


PhD, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA
MBA, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley, USA
MSc, Faculty of Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA
MEng, Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran


Dr. Hamid Etemad joined ۲ݮƵ's Faculty of Management in 1978. Prior to that time, he had taught at the University of California at San Francisco and at Berkeley, and at Boston University.

In recognition of his outstanding teaching in the undergraduate program, Dr. Etemad was presented the ۲ݮƵ Faculty of Management Distinguished Teaching Award in 1991. He teaches such courses as International Business Environment, International Business Policy, International Marketing and Management of Technology for International Competitiveness to undergraduate and MBA students. His teaching activities also include seminars on Exporting Techniques, Importing and Management of Technology for export managers and international marketing executives

The management of technology, international marketing issues (including exporting, importing and countertrade) and the role of technology in multinational subsidiaries and its impact on host countries are among Dr. Etemad's areas of expertise. He has recently co-authored articles which have appeared in such publications as Journal of Research Policy and Technovation and contributed chapters on "Production Management and Structure" to International Business in Canada (1989, A. Rugman Ed.) and "International Production Networks and Alliances" to Competitive and Cooperative Macro-management (1995, G. Boyd, Ed.).

Throughout his academic career, Dr. Etemad has been committed to administrative and professional service. He has served as President, Vice President and Membership Chairman of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, as well as on the Board of Directors of the Social Science Federation of Canada and as a member of the Editorial Board for Canadian Public Policy. He has also been a leader in directing the Faculty's linkage with People's University, Beijing.


MGCR 352 Principles of Marketing 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

MRKT 483 International Marketing Mgmt 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

CMR2 566 Global Marketing Management 3 Credits
    Offered in the:
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Summer

Curriculum vitae: 
Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Corporate Social Entrepreneur
International Collaboration
Leadership & Governance
Social Enterprise
Social Entrepreneur
Social Innovation
Selected publications: 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

“Rapid-Growth and Rapid Internationalization of Smaller Enterprises from Canada”,Management Decision, Christian Keen and Hamid Etemad, Volume 50, Issue 4, Spring2012, PP. 569-590 (22 Pages).

“Rapidly-growing firms and their main characteristics: a longitudinal study from UnitedStates”, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, Christian Keen and HamidEtemad, Volume 3, Issue 4, Fall 2011, PP 344-358).

“The Impact of Entrepreneurial Capital and Rapidly Growing Firms: the CanadianExample”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Christian Keenand Hamid Etemad, Volume 12, No. 2, Spring 2011, PP 273-289 (17 Pages).

“Internetization as the Necessary Condition for Internationalization in the NewlyEmerging Economy”, Journal of international Entrepreneurship, Hamid Etemad, IanWilkinson and Leo Paul Dana, Volume 8, No. 4 (Fall 2010), PP. 319-342 (23 pages)

“An Overview of the Relationship between the Newly Emerging Field of InternationalEntrepreneurship and the Older Field of International Business”, International Journal ofBusiness and Globalization, Volume 2, No. 2, pp 103-123, January 2008.

“Towards a Paradigm of Symbiotic Entrepreneurship”, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, V5, No 2 pp109-126, (L. P. Dana, H. Etemad andR. Wright) 2008.

“Entrepreneurial Internationalization or International Entrepreneurship”, ManagementInternational Review, Volume 45, No. 3, pp. 3-13.

“SME’s Internationalization Strategies Based on a Typical Subsidiary’s Evolutionary LifeCycle in Three Distinct Stages”, Management International Review, Volume 45, No. 3,Spring 2005, pp. 145-186.

"E-commerce: The Emergence of a Field and its Knowledge Network", InternationalJournal of Technology Management, Volume 28, No. 7/8, PP. 776-800.

“International Entrepreneurship as a Dynamic Adaptive System: Towards a GroundedTheory”, Journal of International Entrepreneurship, Spring 2004, Volume 2, Nos. 1 and 2,PP. 5-59.

“Internationalization of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: A Grounded TheoreticalFramework and an Overview”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, Spring 2004, Volume 21, No. 1, PP. 1-21.

“Internationalization of SMEs: Toward a New Paradigm”, Journal of Small businessEconomics, January/February 2003, Volume 20, Issue No. 1, PP 1-4 (Co-authored withRichard Wright).

“The Knowledge Network of International Entrepreneurship: Theory and evidence“, Journalof Small business Economics, January/February 2003, Volume 20, Issue No. 1, PP 5-23, (Coauthoredwith Yender Lee).

“Technological Capabilities and Industrial Concentration in NICs and IndustrializedCountries: Taiwanese SMEs versus South Korean Chaebols,“ International Journal ofEntrepreneurship and Innovation Management (IJEIM), Volume 1, Nos. 3/4, 2001, (Coauthoredwith Yender Lee)."The Global Reach of Symbiotic Networks," Journal of Euromarketing, June 2000,Volume 9, Issue No. 2, PP 1-16 (Co authored with Leo Paul Dana and Richard Wright).

“SMEs and Global Economy“, Journal of International Management, (Autumn 2001),Volume 7, No. 3, PP.1-5. (Co-authored with Richard W. Wright).

“Symbiotic Business Networks: Collaboration Between Small and Large firm“, ThunderbirdInternational Business Review, V. 43, No. 4, (July-August 2001), PP. 481-500 (Co-authoredwith Richard Wright and Leo Paul Dana).

“Rugged Entrepreneurship, of Iran’s Small-Scale Mining“, Small Business EconomicsJournal, V. 16, No. 2, (Spring 2001), PP. 125-139 (Co-authored with Kamaleddin S.Salmasi).

“Privatization of State-Owned Mining Enterprises in Developing Countries“, TheInternational Journal of Humanities of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Volume 7, No. 1 & 2,Winter-Spring 2000, pp. 42-52, (Co-authored with K. Salmasi).

“Internationalization of Entrepreneurship“, Journal of International Marketing, Volume 8,No. 2, Spring 2000, pp. 4-7.

“The Knowledge Network of International Entrepreneurship“, Journal of Global Focus,(formerly Business and Contemporary World), Volume 11, No. 3, Summer 1999, pp. 55-63.

“Globalization and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Search for Potent Strategies“,Journal of Global Focus, (formerly Business and Contemporary World), Volume 11, No.3, Summer 1999, pp. 85-105.

“The Impact of Globalization on SMEs”, Journal of Global Focus, Volume 11, No. 4,Fall 1999, pp. 93-106 (Co-authored with Leo Paul Dana and Richard Wright).

“Internationalization of SMEs: Management Responses to Changing Environment”,Journal of International Marketing, Volume 7, Fall 1999, No. 4, pp. 4-10 (Co-authoredwith Richard Wright).

“The Evolutionary Path of Canadian International Development Assistance”, Journal ofBusiness and Contemporary World, Volume X, No. 2, 1998, PP. 187-230.

“From Obscurity to Powerhouse: The Process of China’s Two Decades of Development”,Journal of Business and Contemporary World, Volume VIII, No. 3&4, 1996, PP. 171-222.

“SMEs - Adapting Strategy to NAFTA - A Model for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises,”Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, (Co-authored with L.P. Dana), Volume 12,No. 3, July-August 1995, PP.4-17.

“A Strategic Response Model for Internationalization of Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises,” Bond Management Review, V. IV, No.1, September 1994, (Co-authored withL.P. Dana), PP.31-42.

"Individual Inventors and the Role of Entrepreneurship," The Journal of Research Policy,vol. 20, no. 1, 1991, (Co-authored with Dulude, Amesse and Desrandleau).

"Patenting patterns in 25 Large Multinational Enterprises", Technovation, Winter 1987(Co-authored with Louise S. Dulude). This Article was selected as the lead article of theissue.

"New Sociopolitical Forces: The Globalization of Conflict," in The Journal of BusinessStrategy (Co-authored with S.P. Sethi and K.A.N. Luther), Spring 1986, vol. 6, no. 4.

"World Product Mandates and Technology Transfer," in The Journal of IndustrialMarketing and Purchasing (Co-authored with G.S. Kindra and J.L. Schaan), Spring 1986,vol. 1, no. 1.

Books and Edited Volumes

The Journal of Management International Review (MIR), Guest Editor, Volume 45, No.3 (Summer 2005). This 188-page special issue contains seven articles and is entitled as“Aspects of Internationalization Process in Smaller Firms” and is also made available by thepublisher (The Gabler of Germany) as an edited volume (ISBN 3-8349-0060-5).

International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers, Proceedings of the 13thannual Conference on International Entrepreneurship, (USB Storage), ۲ݮƵ University,Montreal, September 2010, Contributing Editor.

International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers, Proceedings of the 10thannual Conference on International Entrepreneurship, (USB Storage), ۲ݮƵ University,Montreal, September 2006, Contributing Editor.

International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Orientation,Environment and Strategy, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Northampton, Mass. andCheltenham, UK, Fall 2004, Contributing Editor, 304 pages, (ISBN:1-84376-194-7).

International Entrepreneurship: Researching New Frontiers, Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on International Entrepreneurship, (CD Rom), ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, September 2004, Contributing Editor.

The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences (CJAS), Guest Editor, Volume 21, No. 1,Spring 2004. This 110-page issue contains seven articles and is entitled as:Internationalization Entrepreneurship: Research Frontiers. This Issue become the bestselling issue of CJAS in 2005-2006. This issue also contained the best article of the year andachieved the second highest purchased and down-loaded article in the history of CJAS up tothen.

Chapters in Books

Current Issues in international Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.,Northampton, Mass. and Cheltenham, UK, Spring 2012, Contributing Editor, 300 pages(Forthcoming in 2012), the fifth volume in the ۲ݮƵ International Entrepreneurship Series and has 12 Chapters, two co-authored by H.Etemad.

International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises from EmergingMarkets, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Northampton, Mass. and Cheltenham, UK, Spring2012, Contributing Editor, over 300 pages and over 200,000 words (Delayed from, 2011to early 2012). the fourth volume in the ۲ݮƵ International Entrepreneurship Series and has 16 chapters, three by the H. Etemad.

“Revisiting Aspects of Born Globals: Young Canadian SMEs Growing Rapidly and Becoming Born Globals” in Current Issues in International Entrepreneurship, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Northampton, Mass. and Cheltenham, UK, Winter 2013, Co-authored by Hamid Etemad and Pi- Chu Wu (In Press -30 Pages

“The Contextual Theory of International Entrepreneurship” in International Entrepreneurship inSmall and Medium-Sized Enterprises from Emerging Markets, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.,Northampton, Mass. and Cheltenham, UK, Fall 2012,

“Internationalization theories and international growth of smaller firms from emergingmarkets” in International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises from EmergingMarkets, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Northampton, Mass. and Cheltenham, UK, Fall 2012 .

“Reflections and Conclusions” in International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises from Emerging Markets, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., Northampton, Mass. andCheltenham, UK, Fall 2012,

“Traditional and Emergent Forms of Global Trading” in Lester Lloyd-Reason and LeighSears (eds.), Trading Places – SMEs in the Global Economy: A Critical Research Hand Book,Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007, Pages 39-54 (ISBN 978 1 84542 039 0) Co-authoredwith Leo Paul Dana, Hamid Etemad and Richard Wright.

“The Fastest Growing SMEs in Canada: Their Strategies, E-Commerce and NetworkPractices”, Chapter 7 in Gerald Susman, (ed.), Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises and the Global Economy, Elgar Publishing, 2007, pp. 103-124 (ISBN: 978 1 84542 595 1)

“The Strategies of Global Gazelles: A Theoretical Framework and Evidence from Rapidly Growing and Internationalizing Enterprises from Canada” in Irene Johansson (ed.), Entrepreneurship and Development Local processes and Global Patterns, University of West Press, Sweden. 2006, pp. 9-30 ( Co-authored by Jukka Ala-Mutka and Hamid Etemad)

“The E-Commerce and Network Practices of the Fastest Growing SMEs in Canada” in IreneJohansson (ed.), Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Functional Regions, University of SwedenWest Press, Uddevalla, Sweden, 2005. pp. 433-454.

“Internationalization Strategies for Small and Medium Sized-Enterprises Facing a Typology of Different Competitive Environments,” Chapter 7 in Hand Book of Research in International Entrepreneurship15, Leo-Paul Dana, Editor, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK, 2004, Pages 94 -125. (According to the publisher and also the editor of this volume, the Hand Book of Research in International Entrepreneurship is a compendium of the “state-of-the-art” article on aspects of International Entrepreneurship by “academic leaders” and “pioneers” of the field.

“Marshaling Relations: The Enduring Essence of International Entrepreneurship”,Chapter 13 in the Hand Book of Research on International Entrepreneurship 16, Leo-Paul Dana,Editor, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham UK., 2004, Pages 213 -246.

“Back to the Future: International entrepreneurship in the New Economy”, in EmergingParadigms in International Entrepreneurship (Chapter 1), Jones and Dimitratos, Editors, EdwardElgar Publishing, Northampton, MA and Cheltenham, UK. pp. 19-34 (Co-authored with L. P.Dana and R.W. Wright, May 2004).

“The Emerging Context of International Entrepreneurship: An Overview, Inter-relations and Extensions” in International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises:Orientation, Environment and Strategy (June 2004)

“The Dynamic Impact of Regional Clusters on International Growth and Competition:Some Grounded Propositions” in International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises: Orientation, Environment and Strategy (Co-authored with Hankyu Chu, June 2004)

“The Knowledge Network of E-Commerce and Internationalization of Entrepreneurship”, inInternational Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Orientation, Environmentand Strategy (Co-authored with Yender Lee, June 2004)

“The Evolutionary Patterns of Change, the Emerging Trends and Implications forInternationalizing Small Firms” in International Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium-SizedEnterprises: Orientation, Environment and Strategy (June 2004)

“The Policy Environment and Foreign Direct Investments in Mining Ventures inDeveloping Countries: Implications for Small Scale Mining” in The Socioeconomic of Artisanaland Small-Scale Mining in Developing Countries (Chapter 5), Gavin Hilson, Editor, A.A.Balkema Publishers, a Division of Swets Zeitlinger, the Netherlands. Pp. 59-80. (Co-authoredwith Kamaleddin S. Salmasi, June 2003).

“The Evolution of Mining Policy in Developing Countries: Seven Generations inIndonesia's Contract of Work System” Chapter 32 in The Socioeconomic of Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining in Developing Countries 17, Gavin Hilson, Editor, A.A. Balkema Publishers, a Division of Swets Zeitlinger, the Netherlands. Pp. 569-582. (Co-authored by Hamid Etemad and Kamaleddin S. Salmasi, 2003).

“Managing Relations: The Essence of International Entrepreneurship” in Globalization andEntrepreneurship: Policy and Strategy Perspectives, June 2003, pp. 223-243.

“Globalization and Entrepreneurship” in Globalization and Entrepreneurship: Policy andStrategy Perspectives, June 2003, pp. 3-14(Co-authored With Richard Wright,).

“The Bazaar Economy”, in Leo Paul Dana, Economies of the Eastern Mediterranean:Economic Miracles in the Making, Singapore, London and Hong Kong: World Scientific, 2000,pp. 27-45, ISBN: 981-02-4474-6 (Co-authored with Leo-Paul Dana). Reviewed by KylieFitzgerald, in University of Auckland Business Review 4 (1), 2002, pp. 83-84.

"Franchising: An Interdependent Alternative to Independent SMEs," in Charles Harvieand Boon-Chye Lee, Editors, Globalisation and Small and Medium Enterprises in East Asia(Chapter 15), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2001, pp. 297-310. (Co-authored with Leo Paul Dana,and Richard Wright).

“International Franchising in Emerging Markets within Marketing Networks”, in D. Welshand I. Alon (Eds). International Franchising in Emerging Markets, CHH Publishing Inc.,Chicago. 2001, PP. (Co-authored with Leo-Paul Dana and Richard Wright).

"Symbiotic Interdependence," in Dianne Welsh and Ilan Alon, Editors, International Franchising in Emerging Markets, Chapter 5, Riverwoods, Illinois: CCH Publishing, 2001, PP. 119-129. (Co-authored with Leo Paul Dana and Richard Wright).

"The Global Reach of Symbiotic Networks," in Leo Paul Dana (ed.), Global Marketing Cooperation and Networks, Haworth Press: New York, NY, 2000, pp. 1-16. (Co-authored with Dana and R.W. Wright).

“Theoretical Foundations of International Entrepreneurship” in Research in Global Strategic Management; International Entrepreneurship: Globalization and Emerging Business , R. Wright (ed.), JAI Press, 1999, pp. 3-23, (Co-authored with Leo Paul Dana and Richard Wright).

“International Production Networks and Alliances,” in Gavin Boyd (ed.), Competitive and Cooperative Macro Management, Elgar Publishing, Aldershot, U.K., 1995.

"International Marketing and New Technologies," for competitive selection in New GlobalCompetition, S. Kindra (ed.), Croom Helm publishing, London, U.K. ,1994.

"Competing in New Europe After EC92" for competitive selection in New GlobalCompetition, S. Kindra (ed.), Croom Helm publishing, London, U.K. ,1994

"Production Management and Structure," in Alan M. Rugman (ed.), International Businessin Canada, Prentice-Hall, Scarborough, Ontario, 1989.

"Introduction: Managing the Subsidiary," in Managing the Multinational Subsidiary:Response to Environmental Changes and to Host Nation R&D Policies (Co-authored with L.S.Dulude), 1986.

"The Development of Technology in MNEs: A Cross-Country and Industry Study," in A.E.Safarian and Gilles Y. Bertin (ed.), Multinationals, Governments and International TechnologyTransfer, Croom Helm Publishers, London, England, 1986, (chapter 7), pp. 101-119 (Co-authoredwith L.S. Dulude).

"Inventive Activity in MNEs and their World Product Mandated Subsidiaries," in Managingthe Multinational Subsidiary: Response to Environmental Change and Host Nation R&D Policies,1986, pp. 177-206 (Co-authored with L.S. Dulude),

"Industrial Policy Orientation, Choice of Technology, World Product Mandates andInternational Trading Companies," in Managing the Multinational Subsidiary: Response toEnvironmental Change and Host Nation R&D Policies, 1986, pp. 112-135.

"Is Marketing a Catalyst in Economic Development?," in G.S. Kindra (Editor), Marketing in Developing Countries, Croom Helm Publishing Company, London, U.K., 1984.

"A General Model of Comparative Marketing, Formal Development, MethodologicalImplications, and Examples," in G.S. Kindra (ed.), Marketing in Developing Countries, CroomHelm Publishing Company, London, U.K., 1984.

"Marketing - The Missing Link in Economic Developmen,", in Jerald Hampton and A. VanGent (eds.), International Marketing in the 1980s and Beyond: Problems and Challenges,Kluwar-Nijhoff Publishing Co., Boston, Mass., 1983, pp. 95-113 (Co-authored with S.P. Sethi)

"World Product Mandating in Perspective," in Alan Rugman (Editor), Multinationals andTechnology Transfer: The Canadian Experience, Praeger Publishing Co., New York, N.Y., 1983,pp.108-125.

"Economic Interdependencies in an Open Economy," in International Business: A CanadianPerspective, 1981 (Dahawan, Etemad and Wright, Editors).

"Exporting from Canada: A Decision Model for Small and Medium Size Firms," in International Business: A Canadian Perspective, (Dahawan, Etemad and Wright, Editors). 1981.

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


2010: Best Paper Award, Administrative Science Association of Canada - International BusinessDivision, for a paper entitled: “Internetization: Heavy Reliance on the Internet for Growth,Internationalization and Value-Creation”

2008: Honoured by International Entrepreneurship Scholar Community with a Certificate ofRecognition (IE Scholar) as the First Fellow of the Society for contributions to the field ofInternational Entrepreneurship, New Zealand.

2007: Honoured by UCLA Anderson Faculty of Management with a Certificate of Recognitionfor “A Decade of Stewardship in International Entrepreneurship”,Los Angles, California.

Popular Recognitions: Profiled as a Canadian Business Theorist (in Canadian Business Theorist:Hamid Etemad, Victor Vroom, Henry Mintzberg, Gerry Morgan, Dalton McGuinty, Sr., Stanley J. Shapiro (LLC Books), Prominent Iranian Canadian Scholar (in Iranian Canadians – LLC Books), Prominent Canadians of Iranian Decent (in Canadian of Iranian Decent – LLC Books)

2003-2004: Sabbatical Award, ۲ݮƵ University,Distinguished Paper Award, Administrative Science Association of Canada, InternationalBusiness Division, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2003 for a paper entitled: “The Typology ofCompetitive Levels, Evolutionary Path of The Local Subsidiary and the Local SME’sInternationalization Strategies”

1999: Researcher Recognition Award, Center for Research in Business and Management, Faculty ofManagement, ۲ݮƵ University

1999: Best Paper Award, Administrative Science Association of Canada - International BusinessDivision, St. John’s New Brunswick, for a paper entitled: “The Inherent Complexitiesof Revealed Technological Advantage as an Index of Cumulative Technological Specialization inSouth Korea and Taiwan as compared to Canada and the Netherlands”, Published in theProceedings of the International Business Division of Administrative Science Association ofCanada’s (ASAC),

1991: Best Teacher Award, Faculty of Management, ۲ݮƵ University

2001: Best Paper Award, ENDEC Conference, Singapore, August 1999 for a paper entitled: “RuggedEntrepreneurship, of Iran’s Small-Scale Mining“

1995-1997: Sabbatical Award, ۲ݮƵ University

1985-1986: Sabbatical Award, ۲ݮƵ University



2009-2013: SSHRC; Principal Investigator, “High-Growth and Rapidly Internationalizing Enterprises: Understandingtheir Founding, Operations, Lifecycle Characteristics, Economic and Social Importance”

2006-2009: Funded by TEKES of Finland;Co-Investigator, “Rapidly Growing and Internationalizing Small Firms and Continuous Change”

2006-2007: ۲ݮƵ University, Desautels Faculty of Management, John Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies, Centre for Study of Strategy and Organization and Business & Management Research Centre.

2005: Awarded by JohnDobson Foundation.

2003-2005: Awarded by JohnDobson Foundation, through ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management, John Dobson Centre forEntrepreneurial Studies

2004-2005: Awarded by JohnDobson Foundation, through ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management, John Dobson Centre forEntrepreneurial Studies

2004-2005: Awarded by ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management

2004-2005: Awarded byCentre for Study of Strategy and Organization, ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management

2004-2005: Awarded by۲ݮƵ Institute of Marketing, ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management

2003-2004: Research Funds for Studying Internet Marketing; Awarded by ۲ݮƵ Centrefor Continuing Education

2002-2003: Awarded by JohnDobson Foundation, through ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management, John Dobson Centre forEntrepreneurial Studies

2002-2003: Awarded by۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management).

2002-2003: Awarded by ۲ݮƵCentre for Continuing Education

2002-2003: Awarded byCentre for Study of Strategy and Organization, ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management

2002-2003: Awarded byCentre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management

2000-2002: “Internationalization of Entrepreneurship and Globalization andEmerging Businesses,” granted by ۲ݮƵ University Faculty ofmanagement’s Centre for International Management Studies (CIMS) and Business &ManagementResearch Centre(B&MRC), with Peter Johnson and Richard Wright.

1998-1999: Awarded by John Dobson Foundation

Internationalization of High-Technology Enterprises in Industrial Clusters, Seed Grant awarded by ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management’s Centre for International Management
Studies and Business &Management Research Centre

1998-1999: Granted by ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of management’s Centre for International ManagementStudies (CIMS) and Business &Management Research Centre(B&MRC), with Peter Johnson andRichard Wright.

1997-1998: “Teaching Innovation Competition Award”, Royal BankFund and Faculty of Management

1997-1998 (John Dobson Foundation, with Peter Johnson and Richard Wright.

1997-1998: ۲ݮƵ University Faculty of Management’s CIMS and B&MRCwith Peter Johnson and Richard Wright.

1989-1990: Granted by The Canadian Federation of Deans of Management (CFMD), Ottawa.

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