
Summer 2018 Teacher Training on Ice participants announced

Published: 29 May 2018

Students on Ice

This summer, six Inuit Faculty of Education student-teachers from Nunavik will have the opportunity to participate in Teacher Training on Ice, a two-week Arctic sea expedition up the Greenlandic coast, across Davis Strait, and around the northern edge of Baffin Island to Resolute Bay.

For over 40 years, the Faculty of Education’s Office of First Nations and Inuit Education (OFNIE) has partnered with Kativik Ilisarniliriniq (KI) to deliver teacher education programs in Nunavik. This year marks a new partnership between KI, OFNIE, and the Students on Ice foundation. From July 20th to August 8th, ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ students enrolled in OFNIE’s Certificate in Teacher Education, First Nations and Inuit will earn 6 credits towards their program as they examine first hand the nexus of climate change, social development, traditional knowledge and scientific research, and field based pedagogy.  We are excited to announce that this year’s participants are:

  • Sean Kudluk, Kangirsuk
  • Elizabeth Nassak, Quaqtaq
  • Tuami Pirti, Akulivik
  • Eva Niviaxie, Inukjuak
  • Eva Sandra, Kasudluak, Inukjuak
  • Syra Qinuajuak, Inukjuak

was established in 2000 with the mandate to educate the world’s youth about the importance of the Polar Regions, to support their continued growth and to inspire initiatives that contribute to global sustainability. The SOI Foundation is internationally recognized as a pioneer and leader in Polar Education. Since inception SOI has taken over 2500 students and staff on its Award-winning educational expeditions to the Polar Regions.

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À compter de cet été, certains enseignants inscrits au programme de certification des enseignants de la commission scolaire auront aussi la possibilité de participer à la formation des maîtres sur glace. Grâce à une collaboration entre Kativik Ilisarniliriniq, l’université ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ et Students on Ice, ces enseignants auront accès à un cours de science de 6 crédits donné pendant l’expédition annuelle en arctique de Students on Ice (qui aura lieu de 20 juillet au 8 août). Nous sommes emballés d’annoncer que les participants de cette année sont

Sean Kudluk, Kangirsuk;
Elizabeth Nassak, Quaqtaq;
Tuami Pirti, Akulivik;
Eva Niviaxie, Inukjuak
Eva Sandra Kasudluak, Inukjuak;
Syra Qinuajuak, Inukjuak.

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