
Sarin-۲ݮƵ Annual Student Essay Contest on Aircraft Finance & Leasing

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The Institute of Air and Space Law is extremely honoured to announce the

Open to law students around the world, the annual essay contest aims to promote the field of Aircraft Finance & Leasing Law among law students.

Aircraft Finance & Leasing Law blends aspects of both international and domestic law, enhancing its interest and complexity. The topic of Aircraft Finance & Leasing Law is often overlooked due to a common misconception that the field occupies a very niche spot, resulting in inadequate attention being accorded to this fascinating and dynamic field of law. Through this essay contest, students encouraged to think creatively and beyond the established rules and principles of law, thereby adding a future-leaning dimension and innovative approach to this ever-evolving field of law.

2022 Essay Contest and Deadlines

The Essay Topic of 2022 is:

Article 18 of the Chicago Convention and Leased Aircraft

Following the Russian Federation’s re-registration, without the consent of the lessors or the States  of registration, of aircraft leased to Russian operators, what are the implications for leasing and financing of aircraft, for the Chicago Convention, for the rule of law generally, and especially for third countries to which any such aircraft may be flown? Are there any precedents and, if so, how may they be compared and contrasted with the current situation? What solutions might there be?

Final submission of the essay is 16 December 2022.

The winner of the contest shall be announced on 1 February 2023.


The Essay Contest is open to students enrolled in an undergraduate, graduate or doctoral programme at any law school or legal professional training school worldwide. The student must be a registered student at the time of submission of the entry.

The essay shall be limited to a maximum of 2500 words including footnotes or endnotes, and only essays which are the original work of the author will be considered for the Prize. No part of the essay should have been published earlier nor should it be under consideration for publication or in a contest elsewhere.

For more information about the rules, please refer to the Constitution of the Sarin-۲ݮƵ Annual Student Essay Contest on Aircraft Finance & Leasing.


To register for the Essay Contest, please download and fill in the registration form.

Please register and send the form to sarin-mcgill[at]sarinlaw.com


The winner will hall receive a return air ticket (economy class) by Sarin & Co. from his/her countryof residenceto visit the IASL for a specially organised tour of the IASLand of ۲ݮƵ University. If the winner is a student of ۲ݮƵ University, he/she shall receive a return air ticket (economy class)by Sarin & Co. from his/hercountry of residenceto visit Sarin & Co. in Chandigarh.

The winning essay shall also be published in the the Annals of Air and Space Law.

About Sarin & Co.

Established in 1932, is one of India's leading law firms with in-depth expertise in aircraft finance and other aviation related matters. True to the mission of philanthrophy and advancing legal education around the world, Sarin & Co. is dedicated to the cause of spreading legal literacy and turning lawyers into socially responsible professionals.

Past Winners of  Sarin-۲ݮƵ Annual Student Essay Contest on Aircraft Finance & Leasing

  • 2020: “Force Majeure” and Aircraft Acquisition Contracts”

Nilay Raj (Symbiosis Law School Pune, India)

  • 2021: "Liability of Aircraft Lessors and Financiers under Private International Air Law"

Samaksh Khanna (Symbiosis Law School, Pune, India)

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