Our Alumni: Where Are They Now?

Some of our graduates share what they have been up to since they graduated from our LLM and DCL programs, providing a glimpse of the opportunities that await graduates from our programs.

Sandrine Ampleman-Tremblay – DCL 2023

"In 2023, a few months before my doctoral defence, I was appointed as an Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Alberta. During my time at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ, my supervisor and advisory committee have always supported me in my projects and encouraged me to push the boundaries of legal research. In my last year of study, I also took a position at the Faculty as Doctoral Teaching Fellow, which helped me get experience teaching criminal law under the supervision of a seasoned defence counsel. Finally, my involvement as VP Academic of the GLSA introduced me to Faculty management as well as to international conference planning. It is thus trite to say that I would not be where I am today without my experience at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Law. The Faculty provided me with mentoring in research, teaching, and service, three elements that are now at the core of my academic duties.

La communauté doctorale à ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ est incroyablement vibrante et permet de tisser des liens professionnels et personnels très forts. Les discussions avec mes pairs et les membres de la Faculté demeurent mes plus beaux souvenirs de ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ."

Maria Manoli – DCL 2022

"I joined the School of Law of the University of Aberdeen as a lecturer (N. American Assistant Professor) in September 2022. I am currently teaching and researching in the fields of international space law, international cybersecurity law and public international law and I am supervising students and research projects in relevant fields. I am also involved in research collaborations with universities and research institutions, such as the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and the OECD. I often participate in research events worldwide and I am always keen on building research projects across disciplines.

Mon expérience à ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ m'a donné l'opportunité d'acquérir une expertise dans une université de renommée mondiale et d'obtenir un poste universitaire dans une faculté de droit ayant une longue tradition dans mon domaine. Durant mon doctorat à ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ, j'ai eu la chance de beaucoup voyager et de bâtir mon réseau de recherche tout en participant à de nombreuses conférences, ce que je continue de faire aujourd'hui. I also had the opportunity to be the Executive Director of the ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ Institute of Air and Space Law for 9 months, which enriched my portfolio with significant experience in management and research coordination.

My research interests extend to space security, the role of AI in the development of international law and space law, and critical and transdisciplinary approaches to international space law."

Guillaume Laganière - LLM 2012, DCL 2020

"I am a law professor at Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) and my research interests include private international law, civil procedure and the law of evidence. I joined academia in 2019 after practising civil and commercial litigation in Montreal and clerking at the Supreme Court of Canada. I feel very fortunate to have studied at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ’s Faculty of Law, both at the master’s and doctoral level. The programs offered at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ are intellectually challenging but flexible enough to allow every student to thrive.

During my time at ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ, I met many inspiring individuals – students, professors, staff – whose knowledge, experience and dedication helped me reflect on my own strengths, weaknesses, and aspirations as a lawyer. They had a direct impact on the academic career I am now pursuing, and for which I am immensely grateful."

Adrien Habermacher – DCL 2020

"J’ai choisi d’aller faire mes études doctorales à ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ car je cherchais une expérience intellectuelle au carrefour de plusieurs cultures et traditions juridiques. Ça été une expérience formidable, car en plus d’un environnement intellectuel hautement stimulant, j’ai trouvé des mentors et d’autres étudiant.es qui m’ont aussi aidé à grandir en tant que personne.

Grâce à la multitude d’opportunités disponibles, j’ai appris à faire de la recherche mais aussi beaucoup plus : j’ai pu contribuer à la gouvernance de l’université, j’ai dirigé une équipe pour un tribunal-école, je me suis formé à l’enseignement, j’ai voyagé pour présenter ma recherche à des colloques au Canada et ailleurs… Le programme doctoral de ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ a vraiment été une préparation en or pour la carrière universitaire que je voulais. Je suis maintenant professeur adjoint à la Faculté de droit de l’Université de Moncton."

Alexander Ezenagu – DCL 2019

"After obtaining the LL.M in Commercial Law degree from the University of Cambridge, I returned to legal practice in Nigeria where I hoped to put to effect the knowledge obtained from the University of Cambridge. However, the love for research propelled me to accept the offer from ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ University to pursue the Doctor of Civil Law degree. After years of research and specializing in international tax law, I obtained the prestigious Doctor of Civil Law degree. My research focused on the relationship between taxation and economic development, as well as the role of government and non-government institutions and actors in the creation of tax policies and rules. I am particularly interested in Developmental Governance- which looks at the influences on the developmental models adopted by developing countries.

After obtaining the DCL, I was a post-doctorate fellow at the Faculty of Law, The University of Hong Kong, where I researched further on the relationship between tax and development. In January 2022, I resumed at the College of Law, Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), a member of the Qatar Foundation, as an Assistant Professor of Law, teaching Business Associations, Commercial Law, Construction and Infrastructure Development Law, International Tax Law and Entrepreneurship Law.

At the end of 2022, I left the employment of HBKU to start my own consultancy firm, Sapient Consulting Group Limited, focused on building solutions to growth and development challenges. Headquartered in Kenya and with offices and presence across African countries, Sapient Consulting Group works at the inter-section of the private, non-governmental and public sectors. We create solutions and drive insights that allow governments, companies, and institutions to deliver at scale, better understand the people they serve, and enable inclusive, sustainable development."

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