Macdonald Homecoming 2024: Another success
Macdonald Homecoming on October 26th was another success with alumni reconnecting with old friends, learning about some of the interesting research undertaken in the Faculty, meeting engaged students, attending a logger sport demonstration and taking a campus tour. Thank you to all alumni who celebrated with us—you are what make Mac Homecoming so special.
۲ݮƵ alumni inducted into the Quebec Agricultural Hall of Fame
Congratulations to two alumni of ۲ݮƵ's Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Ann Louise Carson, B.Sc.(Agr.)’81, and Odette Menard, B.Sc.(Agr.Eng.)’83, M.Sc.’91, who were inducted to Quebec's Agricultural Hall of Fame at the organization's gala on October 26th. This year, the annual event made history as it marked the first time the Quebec Agricultural Hall of Fame has welcomed two women in the same induction year.
More expensive beef: why such a meteoric rise in price? Interview with Pascal Thériault
Beef prices have risen in recent years, and could continue to do so in the coming year, Le Journal de Montréal reports.
Call for Nominations: Mastery for Service Award (due November 29)
Every five years, Macdonald honours an individual who has provided "outstanding contributions to the Macdonald community as demonstrated by a commitment and dedication to the Campus which has added immeasurably to the quality of the institution, its programs and student life". The award is open to all: faculty or staff, active or retired, alumni and friends.
Anja Geitmann begins term as inaugural Vice-President (Global Engagement)
Her mission is to advance ۲ݮƵ’s vision for global academic leadership by enhancing the University’s international presence and ties
By Neale McDevitt, Editor, ۲ݮƵ Reporter
Anja Geitmann sees herself as a catalyst.
“I’m here to connect the dots and to support collaborations between ۲ݮƵ and the rest of the world,” said Geitmann, who today began a five-year renewable term as the University’s Vice-President (Global Engagement).
The impact of global warming on fall colors—interview with Prof. Benoît Côté
While climate change may not dictate the arrival of Fall colors, it does affect this phenomenon... and its eventual disappearance.
۲ݮƵ students shine at the NAIDC: Progressive Dairy interviews Beatrice Neveu and Connor Velthuis
In April 2024, four ۲ݮƵ University students from the Macdonald Campus' Farm Management and Technology (FMT) program participated in the 2024 North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge (NAIDC).
Magic Mud Pots win a top award for Food Science students at Chicago food expo
۲ݮƵ earned its second consecutive victory in the Smart Snacks for Kids category
By Stephanie Wereley for the ۲ݮƵ Reporter
The little-known—and threatened—orcas of the North Atlantic
Anaïs Remili, PhD(AgEnvSc)'23, an ecotoxicologist and postdoctoral researcher, tracks contaminants that threaten the health of North Atlantic orcas. While Pacific orca populations are well studied, little is known about those that swim off the Canadian and European east coasts, and they are less protected.
Feeding Quebecers—alumni-founded Ferme Coopérative Tourne-Sol is thriving
Ferme Coopérative Tourne-Sol, founded by five ۲ݮƵ graduates, supplies fresh, organic produce to about 700 families, and, with its seed business and planning tools, is giving a boost to fellow farmers and gardeners
By François Shalom for the ۲ݮƵ Reporter
“We’re a Quebec business, we feed Quebecers. About 700 Quebec families eat well thanks to us. They eat organic, locally grown food—healthy food—and that’s important.”
The Jean-Martin Fortier phenomenon
In a recent article, L'actualité does a deep dive into small-scale farm enthusiast, author, and star of the popular series Les fermiers Jean-Martin Fortier (BA'02). This "rock-star" of organic microfarming in Quebec is highly regarded by many, though some have raised concerns that his presentation of the business as profitable and accessible to all is overly optimistic.
101 ۲ݮƵ research projects awarded $23.5 million in NSERC Discovery Grants funding
Funding supports groundbreaking research in the natural sciences and engineering
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) has awarded 101 ۲ݮƵ research projects funding from its Discovery Grants competition for a total investment of $23.5 million.
The Discovery Grants support ongoing programs with long-term goals, recognizing the creativity and innovation that are at the heart of all research advances.
To remove CO2 from the atmosphere, this former ۲ݮƵ postdoc's startup looks to biomass
In 2019, while doing post-doctoral research in ۲ݮƵ's Department of Natural Resource Sciences, Qinhong Cai (better known as Tammy) travelled to Nunavut to join the Oceans Protection Plan, a federal initiative designed to improve marine safety and increase the protection and restoration of coastal and seaway ecosystems.
2024 inductees selected for Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame, including two former Mac professors
Four agricultural champions from across Canada have been selected by the Canadian Agricultural Hall of Fame as its 2024 inductees. Dr. Bruce Coulman, Dr. Michael Eskin, Paul Larmer and Dr. Charles Vincent will be formally inducted on November 2 at a ceremony during the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto, Ontario.
Louis Robert (BScAgr’82, MSc’86), from agriculture to art
There aren’t many agronomists who have a piece of artwork that carries their name, but ۲ݮƵ Macdonald alum Louis Robert (BScAgr’82, MSc’86 – Agricultural Science and Plant Science) is one.