Career Planning Advice

Comparison to Self-Assessment Results

Now that you have a clearer idea of what attracts you to a specialty and what is less desirable in that specialty, go back to see the results of the self-assessments you did as part of the Understanding Yourself phase. If you find that the results no longer reflect who you are, repeat the self-assessments to update the results according to your findings. Determine how well the specialty, in terms of its positive and negative points, aligns with your:

  • core values;
  • strengths/skills;
  • medical interests;
  • other influences.

The Self Assessments I refer to are the:

  • Medical Specialty Preference Inventory
  • Physician Values in Practice Scale
  • Specialty Indecision Scale
  • Skills Assessment
  • Personality Assessments

Remember that to do these self-assessments, you will need to access your Careers in Medicine account. You will have received an access code by email in Med1, and have used this code to log in one time and then create your permanent CiM Username/Password. If you need a new access code, please contact your Career Advisor.

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