
John Hanrahan - Professor


John Hanrahan Department of Physiology
۲ݮƵ University
McIntyre Medical Sciences Building,
Room 1016A
3655 Promenade Sir William Osler
Montréal, Québec H3G 1Y6

(514) 398-8320 (office),
(514) 398-4323 (laboratory)

john.hanrahan [at] mcgill.ca

Laboratory web site:
Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Regulator Function Laboratory - ۲ݮƵ University

Research Area: Cell and Molecular Biology

Research Description:

Our main goal is to understand epithelial chloride transport at the molecular level. Most of our effort focuses on CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator), a low-conductance channel which mediates cAMP-stimulated chloride and bicarbonate secretion and is defective in the disease cystic fibrosis. We use site-directed mutagenesis, electrophysiological and imaging methods to study the structure and function of CFTR in heterologous expression systems, cell lines, and primary epithelial cell cultures. A recent emphasis has been the development of F508del-CFTR correctors for the treatment of CF. Other projects investigate the role of CFTR in mucus production and in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Education:BSc(Hon), Dalhousie; PhD, UBC; Postdoc, Yale

Selected Recent Publications:

*Abu-Arish A, Panďzíc E, Luo Y, Sato Y, Turner MJ, Wisem PW, Hanrahan JW. (2022). . Journal of Cell Science.

*Lopes-Pacheco M, Bacalhau M, Ramalho SS, Silva IAL, Ferreira FC, Carlile GW, Thomas DY, Farinha CM, Hanrahan JW, Amaral MD. (2022). . Cells. 11(1): 136-158.

*Turner MJ, Sato Y, Thomas DY, Abbott-Banner K, Hanrahan JW. (2021). . Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 55: 784-804.

*Sato Y, Mustafina KR, Luo Y, Martini C, Thomas DY, Wiseman PW, Hanrahan JW. (2021). . Scientific Reports. 11(1): 23256-23271.

*Turner MJ, Abbott-Banner K, Thomas DY, Hanrahan JW. (2021). . Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 224: 1-14.

*Kim D, Liao J, Scales N, Martini C, Luan X, AbuArish A, Robert R, Luo Y, McKay GA, Nguyen D, Tewfik MA, Poirier CD, Matouk E, Ianowski JP, Frenkiel S, Hanrahan JW. (2021). . J Exp Med. 218(4): 1-15.

*Kouthouridis S, Goepp J, Martini C, Matthes E, Hanrahan JW, Moraes C. (2021). . Integrative Biology. 13(3): 61-72.

*Veltman M, De Sanctis JB, Stolarczyk M, Klymiuk N, Bähr A, Brouwer RWW, Oole E, Shah J, Ozdian T, Liao J, Martini, Radzioch D, Hanrahan JW, Scholte BJ. (2021). . Frontiers in Physiology. 12: 1-18.

*Turner MJ, Dauletbaev N, Lands LC, Hanrahan JW. (2020). . J Pharmacol Exp Ther. 375(3): 414-429.

*Lopes-Pacheco M, Silva IAL, Turner MJ, Carlile GW, Sondo E, Thomas DY, Pedemonte N, Hanrahan JW, Amaral MD. (2020). . Biochem Pharmacol. 180: 1-11.

*Turner MJ, Luo Y, Thomas DT, Hanrahan JW. (2020). . Am. J. Physiol. - Lung Cell and Mol. Physiol.318(5): L908- L920.

*Garíc D, De Sanctis JB, Dumut DC, Shah J, Peña MJ, Youssef M, Petrof BJ, Kopriva F, Hanrahan JW, Hajduch M, Radzioch D. (2020). . Biochim Biophys Acta - Mol Cell Biol Lipids. 1865(2): 158538.

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