Duke University
April 29, 2023
9 am - 9:15 am Welcome and Introductions
Jack Knight (Duke)
9:15 am- 10:15 am Shai Agmon (New College, Oxford), “The Institutional Limits of the Marketplace of Ideas”
Discussant: Josiah Ober (Stanford)
10:30 am – 11:30 am Ryan Doody (Brown), “Unemployment Insurance, Inflation, and the Willingness to Work”
Discussant: Melissa Schwartzberg (NYU)
1 pm – 2 pm Nick Geiser (Wheaton College), “Negligibility and Collective Action”
Discussant: Rob Reich (Stanford)
2:15 pm – 3:15 pm Serrin Rutledge-Prior (ANU), “A Horse, a Hippo and Happy Walk into a Courtroom: Personhood as a Barrier to Legal Inclusion”
Discussant: Alison McQueen (Stanford)
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Joseph Warren (University of Alaska - Fairbanks), “Types of Knowledge in Democratic Procedures: Experimental Evidence from Alaska Fisheries Management”
Discussant: Jacob Levy (۲ݮƵ)