Advisory Council on the Charter of Students' Rights



Three members of the academic staff 

Professor Hosahalli Ramaswamy (Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, AES) - 2026
Professor Laura Pavelka (Chemistry, SCIENCE) - 2026 (Chair)
Professor Tina Piper (LAW) - 2027
One Undergraduate Student Una Sverko (Law)
One Graduate Student TBD

Extract from the Charter of Students' Rights:

DIVISION A – Mandate and Composition

47. The Senate Advisory Council on the Charter of Students’ Rights (hereafter ‘the Council’) is established to consider allegations that regulations or policies of the University are in breach of, or incompatible with the provisions of this Charter. The Council shall review any allegation that the general application of a regulation or policy of the University is in violation of this Charter.

48. The Council is not empowered to arbitrate or adjudicate a specific grievance made by a student against the University.

49. The Council shall consist of five members and a Chair who shall be appointed by Senate for staggered two-year terms. Three members (including the Chair) are drawn from Academic Staff, one member shall be an undergraduate student and one member shall be a graduate student.

50. Three members of the Council (including the Chair and one student member) shall constitute quorum.

DIVISION B – Terms of Reference and Applicable Procedures

51. A request for review may be made by a member of the University community (hereafter ‘the complainant’), or may be referred to the Council by either the Committee on Student Grievances or the Appeals Committee for Student Discipline and Grievances. When a review is referred to the Council by either committee, that committee shall not be a party to the proceedings before the Council. The complainant must be a member of the University community at the time the request for review is made.


54. An annual report of the activities of the Council shall be prepared by the Chair and presented to Senate annually. (...)

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