Student Evaluation and Promotion

Student Evaluation and Promotion in Physical and Occupational Therapy

Degree Requirements for the Master of Science (Applied) – Occupational Therapy (M.Sc.A.OT.), and the Master of Science (Applied) – Physical Therapy (M.Sc.A.PT.)

Entry to professional practice requires the completion of an M.Sc.A.OT. or M.Sc.A.PT. Therefore, students who graduate from the Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation (OT or PT) must continue to the MSc(A) OT or MSc(A) PT to obtain entry to professional practice.

Students who graduate with the B.Sc.Rehab.Sc. degree with the required cGPA of 3.0 or better will be considered for acceptance into the same discipline of the Master of Science (Applied) program that commences in the summer following graduation. For full details, refer to the Rules and Regulations documents at School of Physical & Occupational Therapy > Occupational Therapy Program > Master of Science (Applied) in Occupational Therapy and School of Physical & Occupational Therapy > Physical Therapy Program > Master of Science (Applied) in Physical Therapy.

Entry to the MSc(A) OT or MSc(A) PT requires students to have a minimum cGPA of 3.0. Even when the cGPA requirement is attained, the Occupational Therapy Promotions and Review Committee (OTPRC) or the Physical Therapy Promotion sand Review Committee (PTPRC) may recommend that a student not be admitted to the Master's program if, during the Bachelor's program: (i) the student has had 3 or more documented performance deficiencies (flags), with or without probationary status; or (ii) the student has not progressed sufficiently toward achievement of the required skills and attributes for entry to practice.

Students from ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ or elsewhere who do not hold the B.Sc.Rehab.Sc. - Major in Occupational or Physical Therapy degree must apply to the Master's program via a graduate Qualifying Year, or have the option to first apply to the undergraduate degree of B.Sc.Rehab.Sc. - Major in OT or PT and proceed to the M.Sc.A. degree in the same discipline.

For further details and other requirements, please refer to the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy > Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies section. For complete admissions information, refer to mcgill.ca/spot/programs/admissions.

Student Evaluation and Promotion MSc(A) OT and MSc(A) PT

Academic matters are the jurisdiction of the Occupational Therapy Promotion and Review Committee (OTPRC) or the Physical Therapy Promotion and Review Committee (PTPRC). The OTPRC and the PTPRC review the academic record, professional conduct, and general performance of students throughout the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy programs. It exercises final authority to determine a student's competence and suitability for the practice of occupational therapy or physical therapy and, hence, makes final decisions on all matters relating to promotion and graduation.

For complete rules and regulations regarding student promotions, along with the below resource documents, refer to the following School of Physical and Occupational Therapy program documents:

mcgill.ca/spot/ > Physical Therapy Program > mcgill.ca/spot/programs/pt/professional-masters or > Occupational Therapy Program > mcgill.ca/spot/programs/ot/master-science-applied-occupational-therapy.

• Important Information for Students

• Rules and Regulations

• Curriculum

• Code of Conduct

• Essential Skills and Attributes

• Process-ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ's Office for Student Accessibility & Achievement

• Resources for learners

Students in Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy must successfully complete a total of 30 credits in the Qualifying Year (QY) in Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy, or have obtained the B.Sc.Rehab.Sc. - Major Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy followed by 63 credits in the corresponding M.Sc.A. degree. They must successfully complete all courses in the respective MSc(A) curricula, and be in Satisfactory Standing to obtain the degree of M.Sc.A. (OT or PT).

Due to the sequential nature of the programs, the Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy programs are full-time programs of study. Exceptions may be possible provided that students have obtained written permission from the Promotions and Review Committee to register part-time. Further information on the curriculum is available at mcgill.ca/spot/programs/ot/curriculum for OT curriculum or at mcgill.ca/spot/programs/pt/curriculum for PT curriculum.

Students enrolled full-time in the MSc(A) OT or MSc(A) PT program must complete all degree requirements within 3 years of the date of initial registration in this program. In the situation of part-time studies, degree requirements must be completed within 5 years of the date of initial registration. Please consult ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ's Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies page for Time Limitation Policy.

The School’s assessment and promotions and review policies are multi-faceted, and under constant review by the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy. The School reserves the right to change rules and regulations at any time, although in general such changes will not come into effect in the middle of an academic year or promotion period. For complete information about the School's rules and regulations, refer to the Important documents at mcgill.ca/spot/programs/ot/master-science-applied-occupational-therapy and mcgill.ca/spot/programs/pt/professional-masters.

You must successfully complete all the requirements of each promotion period before being permitted to enter the next promotion period. In order to be promoted to the next promotion period, a student must successfully complete all professional courses in each promotion period, as well as all requirements for inter-professional education courses.

The required minimum passing grade is a B- (65%) for all courses with the designation of OCC1, PHTH, and POTH. As well, for any course with the designation of OCC1, PHTH, or POTH, which comprises both individual and group evaluations, or both theoretical and practical evaluations, each student must pass every component in order to receive a passing grade for the course (the minimum passing grade is a B- (65%)).

Note: Courses with a Subject Code OCC1, PHTH, or POTH are reserved for students enrolled in programs within the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy.

No evaluation, examination mark, etc. shall be considered final until approved by the OTPRC or the PTPRC and is recorded on the student's official transcript. Only final grades submitted on Minerva are the official ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ grades. myCourses (ÎÛÎÛ²ÝÝ®ÊÓƵ’s Learning Management system) is a tool but not the source for final grades.

For the purposes of evaluation, the curriculum is broken down into the following promotion periods:


Promotion Period 1 Fall September–December

Promotion Period 2 Winter January–April

M1 and M2:

Promotion Period 1 M1 Summer May–August

Promotion Period 2 M1 Fall September–December

Promotion Period 3 M1 Winter January–April

Promotion Period 4 M2 Fall–program completion (includes summer research project)

Failure Policy, Withdrawal, or Dismissal from the School of Physical & Occupational Therapy

When a student has failed one course, or one or more course components, or has been found to have been engaged in unethical or inappropriate conduct (i.e., unprofessional behaviour), the OTPRC or the PTPRC will automatically review the student's entire academic record and general performance.

A student will be withdrawn from the University, if the student fails two courses (i.e., two different courses, one failed course, plus a failed repeat of the same course or one failed course and a failed supplemental exam for that course). The student’s transcript will thereafter indicate that the student was withdrawn from the University.

Failing a course in a Qualifying Year is equivalent to failing a course in a graduate program, and counts as a first failed course if a student is subsequently admitted to a graduate program in a related field. For full details, refer to the Failure Policy.

Academic offences such as plagiarism and cheating on examinations and unethical or inappropriate conduct are considered serious offences which could lead to dismissal from the program.

A student who engages in criminal activity and/or who is found guilty of having violated the criminal code will have their dossier referred to the OTPRC or the PTPRC; this may be considered evidence of unsuitability for the practice of occupational therapy or physical therapy and grounds for dismissal from the program.

The School has the right to dismiss, at any time, any student who is considered incompetent and/or unsuitable for the practice of occupational therapy or physical therapy.



General Information

Please refer to the mcgill.ca/secretariat/files/secretariat/2016-04_student_assessment_policy.pdf as well to the Rules and Regulations document at mcgill.ca/spot/programs/ot/master-science-applied-occupational-therapy and mcgill.ca/spot/programs/pt/professional-masters and Academic Integrity, Standards of Behaviour and Code of Conduct, and Examination Facilities for Students with Disabilities.

Supplemental Examinations

Supplemental examinations may be permitted by the OTPRC or PTPRC and are examinations taken as a consequence of a failure or unsatisfactory outcome in a course. The timing of the supplemental examinations for failed Fall term and Winter term courses with the designation of OCC1, PHTH, or POTH will be determined by the course instructor and may be held within 30 days of the posting of final grades, if feasible, or during the official supplemental examination periods. It should be noted that the supplemental exam result will not erase the failed grade originally obtained and used in calculating the GPA. Both the original and supplemental exam marks will be calculated in the GPA and cGPA. For more information, please refer to Rules and Regulations at Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy, and to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies > Graduate Students > Registration and Degree Progress > Exams, and to Failure Policy in Graduate Studies.

Deferred Examinations

Deferred final examinations are examinations rescheduled because the original examination was missed for valid reasons. Deferring an exam is an exceptional measure and is meant to help students who are severely ill or dealing with unforeseeable, significant extenuating circumstances.

Students, who for serious reasons—such as valid health reason or family or personal crises—have not written one or more examinations, may receive the permission of the Program Director or delegate to defer the examination to the next deferred examination period. The student must inform the Student Affairs Office and the Program Director or delegate as soon as possible of the reason for their absence from the examination. The student must present the supporting documentation to the Program Director or delegate, as soon as possible and no later than one (1) week after the examination. Please refer to details in Rules and Regulations at Occupational Therapy or Physical Therapy and to University Regulations & Resources.

Note: No supplemental examinations are available for students who did not receive the required passing grade in a course after writing a deferred examination.

Programs, Courses and University Regulations—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024) (disclaimer)
School of Physical and Occupational Therapy—2024-2025 (last updated Mar. 15, 2024) (disclaimer)
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