30th Annual Summer Program
May 1 - August 9, 2024
Download the 2024 ۲ݮƵ Summer School Program Booklet
General information
Registration information
Courses and workshops
- Cultural Psychiatry
- Research Methods in SocialandCultural Psychiatry
- Working with Culture
- The ۲ݮƵ Illness Narrative Interview (MINI)
- Art and Healing
- Contemplative Studies
- Culture, Mind & Brain
- Global Mental Health
- Indigenous Mental Health
Guest Faculty
۲ݮƵ Faculty
Also see Advanced Study Institute.
In 1995, the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, ۲ݮƵ University, inaugurated an annual summer school in social and cultural psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. The program provides the conceptual background for research and clinical work in social and cultural psychiatry and will be of interest to:
- postdoctoral trainees and researchers in psychiatry, psychology, and other mental health disciplines
- graduate students in health and social sciences
- physicians, psychologists, social workers, and other health professionals
The summer program forms part of the training activities of the Montréal WHO Collaborating Centre and is endorsed by the Canadian Academy of Psychiatric Epidemiology.
General information
Director: Laurence J. Kirmayer, MD
Administrator: Paola Urbieta
Administrative Office:
Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry
۲ݮƵ University
1033 Pine Avenue West
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3A 1A1
Tel.: 514-398-7302
Fax: 514-398-3282
Email: tcpsych [at] mcgill.ca
Registration Information
Courses may be taken for academic credit or for professional interest. Workshops and the Advanced Study Institute may only be taken for professional interest.
- You will be asked to select the courses/workshops and submit your CV.
- You will be contacted when your application has been processed.
If you have specific questions not answered on the website, you can contact the Division Summer Program Coordinator, Ms. Paola Urbieta attcpsych [at] mcgill.ca.
Enrolment for courses and workshops is limited and early application is strongly advised. Please note the application deadlines in order to submit your application.
Professional Interest
Canadian and International students and professionals applying to the Summer School for professional interest can do so through the Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry by following the instructions above in Registration Information.
On successful completion of the course or workshop, a certificate of attendance will be provided by the Division. This does not confer formal academic credit, for which a separate application is required (see below). Registration for professional interest is accepted as long as room is available in the course or workshop.
Academic credit
The following courses may be taken for academic credit by students enrolled in a graduate program at ۲ݮƵ or another university: Cultural Psychiatry (PSYT711); Psychiatric Epidemiology (PSYT713); and Research Methods in Social and Cultural Psychiatry (PSYT633).
All applicants for academic credit must submit their CV and register online as indicated aboveto obtain permission to attend the course(s).
۲ݮƵ Graduate Students
Please apply online as indicated above. After receiving permission to attend the course(s), ۲ݮƵ students should register on Minerva once the summer registration period for graduate students begins. Detailed registration information for students enrolled in a ۲ݮƵ graduate program will be available mid-March 2024 at . Students are billed by ۲ݮƵ Student Accounts.
۲ݮƵ Double Program Students and ۲ݮƵ Psychiatry Residents
Please apply online as indicated above. After receiving permission to attend the course(s), double program students may go to the following link to register /students/records. After receiving permission from the coordinator of the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry to attend the course(s), Psychiatry residents who want to take the courses for credit must obtain permission from the Graduate Program Director and from the Faculty of Medicine. ۲ݮƵ double program students and ۲ݮƵ psychiatry residents are billed by ۲ݮƵ Student Accounts. If you applied for professional interest, you will receive an e-mail confirming your application.
Visiting, Exchange and Special Students
Please apply online as indicated. After receiving permission to attend the courses, please visit the ۲ݮƵ Graduate Studies website () to verify what category of student applies to you. Please observe the application deadline: January 15 for international students; February 15, 2024 for Canadian students. Official notification of acceptance is issued by the Faculty of Graduate Studies.
Non-۲ݮƵ, Québec University Students
Please apply online as indicated. After receiving permission to attend the course(s) from your home University and from the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, you must initiate an online application to request the required authorizations at . Refer to your home university website for regulations on the number of credits allowed, as well as policies for transferring credits. Note: Once the Québec Inter-University Transfer (IUT) application is approved by both the home and host universities, you remain responsible for registering in the course that was approved. At ۲ݮƵ, you must register on .
Students from University of Toronto and University of British Columbia
Please apply online as indicated. After receiving permission to attend the course(s) from your home university and from the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, students must submit a Graduate Exchange Agreement form (available from your home institution website) to your home university and to the Division program coordinator at ۲ݮƵ: graduate.psychiatry [at] mcgill.ca. and to the Division coordinator: tcpsych [at] mcgill.ca.
Students from other Universities in Canada (Inter University Credit Transfer)
Please apply online as indicated. After receiving permission to attend the course(s) from your home University and from the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, please verify the registration procedure that you should follow: Visiting, Exchange or special Student by visiting the following link: . The application fee cannot be applied towards course/workshop fees. Official notification of acceptance as a “Visiting Student” or a “Special Student” is issued by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Students obtain a ۲ݮƵ student identity number when applying and use this to register for the course(s) on Minerva. Transfer of academic credits should be arranged with the applicant’s own university.
International Students
Please apply online as indicated. If you are applying for academic credit, after receiving permission to attend the course(s) by the Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry and your own university, you must apply for formal “Exchange Student” status at ۲ݮƵ by January 15, 2024: . Official notification of acceptance as a Special Student is issued by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Students obtain a ۲ݮƵ student identity number when applying and use this to register for the course(s) on Minerva. Transfer of academic credits should be arranged with the applicant’s own university.
M.Sc. & PhD Program in Mental Health
Students who wish to apply for the MSc or PhD program in the Department of Psychiatry (with concentration in Social and Transcultural Psychiatry) should direct inquiries to:
Graduate Program Coordinator
Department of Psychiatry
۲ݮƵ University
1033 Pine Avenue West, Room 104
Montréal (Québec) Canada H3A 1A1
Tel.: 514-398-4176
Email:graduate.psychiatry [at] mcgill.ca
The deadlines for applications to the MSc orPhD programfor International or Canadian students are:
MSc in Psychiatry
- August 1: entry in January for International applicants
- September 1: entry in January for Canadian applicants
- January 15: entry in September for International applicants
- January 25: entry in September for students who have applied for a Canada Graduate Scholarship-Master's (CGSM)
- April 15: entry in September for Canadian applicants
PhD in Mental Health
- August 1: entry in January for International applicants
- September 1: entry in January for Canadian applicants
- January 15: entry in September for International applicants
- April 15: entry in September for Canadian applicants
For more information please visit:
Courses and workshop
- Click here for a list of Required and Recommended readings for these courses.
PSYT711 Cultural Psychiatry
L. Kirmayer & Faculty (3 academic credits)
This course surveys recent theory and research on the interaction of culture and psychiatric disorders. Topics to be covered include: history of cultural psychiatry; cross-national epidemiological and ethnographic research on major and minor psychiatric disorders; culture-bound syndromes and idioms of distress; culture, emotion and social interaction; somatization and dissociation; psychosis; ritual and symbolic healing and psychotherapy; mental health of indigenous peoples; mental health of immigrants and refugees; psychiatric theory and practice as cultural constructions; methods of cross-cultural research; models of mental health care for multicultural societies; globalization and the future of cultural psychiatry
Prerequisites: Courses in abnormal psychology, psychiatry or medical anthropology, and permission of the instructor.
Text: Course readings will be available online.
Date: May 7-30, 2024 (4 weeks) T•Th 13:00-17:00
PSYT633 ResearchMethods in Social and Cultural Psychiatry
R. Whitley & Faculty
This workshop will introduce participants to research methods in cultural and social psychiatry in a stepwise manner. The course consists of three modules: (1) introduction to qualitative research; (2) introduction to quantitative research; and (3) introduction to mixed-methods studies. Modules 1 and 2 will focus on methodologies, study design, execution, analysis and dissemination. In Module 3, students will learn how and when to integrate qualitative and quantitative approaches in a mixed-method study. Ample time will be given for questions and discussion of participants’ projects.
Text: Course readings will be available online.
Date: May 6-31, 2024 (4 weeks)M•W•F 13:30-17:00
Working with Culture: Clinical Methods in Cultural Psychiatry
C. Rousseau & J. Guzder
This workshop for mental health practitioners provides an overview of clinical models, methods and approaches in cultural psychiatry. Invited lecturers will frame the basic issues of clinical intervention with individuals, families and communities through sessions focused on: Cultural formulation; families and systemic approaches; working with interpreters and culture brokers; cultural safety, cultural humility, structural competency and institutional racism; trauma-informed care with refugees and racialized groups; working with Indigenous communities; intercultural work with multidisciplinary teams and health care institutions; integrating advocacy in mental health care.
Text: Course readings will be available online.
Date: May 7-30, 2024 (16 hours) T•Th 9:00-12:00
The ۲ݮƵ Illness Narrative Interview (MINI)
D. Groleau
This workshop will provide an introduction to the ۲ݮƵ Illness Narrative Interview (MINI), a semi-structured protocol for eliciting information about illness experience that has been widely used in psychiatry, medicine and global health research. This workshop will present the theoretical basis of the MINI as a tool for qualitative health research. We will also cover the potential links with the concepts and values of Person-Centered Medicine and ways to adapt the MINI to study issues involving health behavior, bodily practices, illness, diseases, somatic and emotional symptoms. Participants will practice the MINI in one-on-one interviews and learn ways to code and analyze qualitative data produced with the MINI.
Text: Course readings will be available online.
Begins: June 3-5 , 2024 (12 hours) M•T•W 9:30-16:30
Art and Healing
J. Guzder & Guest Faculty
This workshop will focus on clinical, theoretical, research, and community engagement issues on the use of art in transcultural psychiatry. Invited faculty will elaborate on clinically relevant theory, creative arts practice and experiential learning on topics including: historical intersections of the arts and psychiatry; poiesis, improvisation and healing; theatre, music and embodiment; the psycho-historiographic group therapy approach; research methods and ethics; project development in global health contexts. Presentations will promote reflection on arts—including theatre, visual arts, music, and dance—as applied and emerging aspects of healing both historically and in contemporary contexts relevant to clinical practice and research in social and cultural psychiatry and global mental health. Faculty will include an international roster of clinicians from Brazil, Canada, India, Jamaica and the U.S., working with people with severe mental illness, youth at risk, immigrant and refugee groups, as well as Indigenous communities.
Text: Readings will be available online.
Date: June 10-14, 2024 (30hours) M•T•W•Th•F 9:00-17:00
Global Mental Health Research
L.J. Kirmayer & Guest Faculty
This workshop introduces key issues in global mental health (GMH) research with special reference to low and middle-income countries. We will explore the tensions between a vertical public health approach, grounded in a biomedical frame and current evidence-based practices, and a horizontal community-based approach, that emphasizes local taxonomies and priorities, empowerment of local resources and endogenous solutions. We will also consider issues that arise in forging and maintaining partnerships and self-care in GMH research. The workshop aims to provide a balanced critical perspective on GMH as a field of enquiry and practice that acknowledges the importance of the socioeconomic and geopolitical determinants of mental health and the interplay between social and the cultural with the biological dimensions of mental health. The format includes pre-recorded and live lectures, panel presentations, case studies and plenary discussions of readings by faculty and students.
Text: Readings will be available online.
Date: June 17-21,2024 (30 hours) M•T•W•Th•F09:00-17:00
Culture, Mind and Brain
L.J. Kirmayer & Guest Faculty
This workshop will provide an overview of core topics and recent developments in social, and cultural neuroscience research in order to promote cross-disciplinary collaboration in global mental health. After an introduction to cognitive, social, and cultural neuroscience, the workshop will focus on the potential and limits of methods that can be used to measure epigenetic, neuroendocrine, and neurocognitive processes in laboratory and field settings. We will discuss the inter-relationships of these processes and how to map them onto phenomenological, ethnographic, and ecological variables to capture health-relevant aspects of sociocultural contexts in situ.
Text: Kirmayer, L.J., Worthman, C., Kitayama, S., Lemelson, R. & Cummings, C. (Eds.) (2020). Culture, Mind and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Methods & Applications. Cambridge University Press.
Date: June 11 & 12,2024 (12 hours) T•W 9:00-17:00
Contemplative Studies
M. Lifshitz, E. Solomonova & Guest Faculty
This two-day workshop will explore emerging topics in the field of Contemplative Studies. Faculty will present from diverse disciplinary perspectives including neuroscience, psychiatry, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and religious studies. The focus this year will be on the concept of the self and its many transformations. We will explore the self as a multidimensional process and discuss how it may be dissolved, simulated, possessed, and transmitted through practices of meditation, prayer, dreaming, and psychedelic ritual. Each day will include in-depth presentations from faculty along with ample time for group discussion. Together, we will consider ongoing debates in the field with a focus on tracing the dynamic relationships between individual experience, brain function, and the social and cultural contexts in which these practices are embedded and enacted.
Date: June 13 & 14, 2024 (14 hours) Th•F 10:00 -17:00
Indigenous Mental Health Research
L. Kirmayer& Guest Faculty
This workshop will survey recent work on the social determinants of mental health and discuss issues in the design and implementation of culturally appropriate mixed-methods research with Indigenous communities and populations. The emphasis will be on conceptual issues and the development of research methodology to address both common and severe mental health problems and interventions. Specific topics will include: ethical issues in Indigenous health research; social, historical and transgenerational determinants of mental health; the role of indigenous identity in mental health, resilience and well-being; suicide prevention and mental health promotion; participatory research methods; evaluation of community-based mental health services; culturally-adapted interventions; and indigenous approaches to wellness and healing.
Text: Kirmayer, L. J., & Valaskakis, G. G. (2009). Healing traditions: The mental healthof Aboriginal peoples in Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press. Course readings will be available online.
Date: August 5-9, 2024 (30hours) M•T•W•Th•F 10:00-17:00
Guest Faculty
Naomi Adelson, PhD, Professor and Associate Vice President, Research and Innovation, Toronto Metropolitan University
Valeria Becattini,MSc,Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Humboldt University
Axel Constant, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex
Bhargavi Davar, PhD, Founding Director, Bapu Trust, Pune, India
Guillaume Dumas, PhD, Associate Professor of Computational Psychiatry, Université de Montreal
Gilah Yelin Hirsch, MFA, Professor of Art, Emerita, California State University, Los Angeles
Vitor Pordeus, MD, Founder of DyoNises Theater, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Mónica Ruiz-Casares, PhD, Professor, School of Child and Youth Care, Toronto Metropolitan University
Andrew Ryder, PhD, Professor & Chair, Department of Psychology., Concordia University
Michael Sheehy, PhD, Director of Scholarship at the Contemplative Sciences Center, Research Assistant Professor in Tibetan Buddhist studies in the Department of Religious Studies, University of Virginia
Suzanne Stewart, PhD, Professor & Director, Waakebiness-Bryce Institute for Indigenous Health Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto
Caroline Tait, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Saskatchewan
Rebecca Todd, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia
Geoffrey Walcott, MB, Bs, DM Psychiatry, Clinical Director, Psychotherapy Associates, & CARIMENSA, University of West Indies, Kingston, Jamaica
۲ݮƵ Faculty
Please see our Faculty web page for more information.
Véronique Bohbot, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Research, Douglas Research Centre
Lara Braitstein, PhD, Associate Professor of Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, School of Religious Studies
Alain Brunet, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Researcher, Psychosocial Research Division, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Jacob Burack, PhD, Professor, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology
Eduardo Chachamovich, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry; Researcher, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Suparna Choudhury, PhD, Assistant Professor, Co-Director, Culture, Mind & Brain Program, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry
Myriam Denov, PhD, Professor & Canada Research Chair in Canada Research Chair in Youth, Gender and Armed Conflict, School of Social Work
Nicole D’souza, PhD, Research Associate, Culture & Mental Health Research Unit & Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry
Ian Gold, PhD, Professor of Philosophy and Psychiatry, Chair Department of Philosophy
Ana Gómez-Carillo, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry
Phoebe Friesen, PhD,Assistant Professor, Division of Ethics and Policy & Department of Social Studies of Medicine
Kyle Greenway, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Danielle Groleau, PhD, Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry; Research Associate, Culture and Mental Health Research Unit, Lady Davis Institute, Jewish General Hospital
Jaswant Guzder, MD, Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry and Division of Child Psychiatry
Matthew Hunt, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Occupational Therapy
Srividya Iyer, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry
G. Eric Jarvis, MD, MSc, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Director, Cultural Consultation Service, Jewish General Hospital
Janique Johnson-Lafleur, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry
Laurence J. Kirmayer, MD, FRCPC, FCAHS, FRSC, James ۲ݮƵ Professor; Director, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry; Culture and Mental Health Research Unit, Jewish General Hospital
Rachel Kronick, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor, Division of Children Psychiatry & Division of Social & Transcultural Psychiatry
Marc Laporta, MD, Director, Montreal WHO-PAHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Mental Health, Douglas University Institute and ۲ݮƵ University Health Center
Myrna Lashley, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Researcher, Culture & Mental Health Research Unit, Lady Davis Institute
Michael Lifshitz, PhD, Assistant Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry.
Karl Looper, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Jewish General Hospital
Toby Measham, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry
Xiangfei Meng, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psyhciatry; Director, Division of Mental Health & Society, Douglas Research Centre
Lucie Nadeau, MD, MSc, Associate Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry
Melissa Park, PhD, Associate Professor, School of Physical and Occupational Therapy
Cécile Rousseau, MD, MSc, Professor, Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry; Canada Research Chair in Preventing Violent Radicalization
Jai Shah, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry; Program for Prevention and Early Intervention in Psychosis, Douglas Mental Health University Institute
Elizaveta Solomonova, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Philosophy
Constantin Tranulis, MD, MSc, Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Ashley Wazana, MD, MSc, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry. Jewish General Hospital
Denis Wendt, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology
Robert Whitley, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Douglas Mental Health University Institute