


  • Quebec Civil Law [:] An Introduction to Quebec Private Law, (with R.A. Macdonald et al.) Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1993, pp. 724.
  • Private Law Dictionary and Bilingual Lexicons, (with R. Kouri et al.) Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Montreal: 1st ed., 1988, pp. xxxi, 291; 2nd ed., 1991, pp. xxxvii, 611.
  • Dictionnaire de droit privé et lexiques bilingues, (with P.-A. Crépeau et al.) Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Montreal, 2nd ed., 1991 pp. xl, 740.
  • Major Legal Systems in the World Today (with René David) London: Stevens and Sons; New York: The Free Press (Macmillan), 1st ed., 1968, pp. xv, 528; 2nd ed., London: Stevens and Sons; New York: The Free Press (Macmillan), 1978, pp. xv, 584; 3rd Edition, London: Stevens and Sons, 1985, pp. xvi, 624.
  • [1988 reprint in The Legal Classics Library, Gryphon Editions, Birmingham, Alabama and translated into Chinese (pirated edition: trans. Qi Zhusheng, Shanghai Translation Press, Shanghai, P.R. China) and into braille (The Open University, U.K.).]
  • Code civil-Civil Code 1866-1980 Edition historique et critique - An Historical and Critical Edition (with P.-A. Crépeau) Montreal: SOQUIJ 1981; pp. cvii, 1304.
  • Supplement Code civil-Civil Code, (with P.-A. Crépeau) Montreal: SOQUIJ, 1983; pp. XVII, 169.


  • Arbitrage conventionnel au Canada et spécialement dans le droit privé de la province de Québec, Paris: Université de Paris, Faculté de droit et des sciences économiques, 1964 (mimeographed) pp. 298, xxxii.

Articles, Comments and Papers

  • “The Gratuitous Trust: A New Liberality in Quebec Law” in J.E.C. Brierley et al., eds., Mélanges offerts à / Presented to Paul-André Crépeau, Cowansville, Qc.:Yvon Blais, 1997, p. 119-153; (1998) 100 Revue du Notariat 213-250.
  • “Postface” in J.E.C. Brierley et al. eds., Mélanges offerts / presented to Paul-André Crépeau, Cowansville, Qc.: Yvon Blais, 1997, p. 719-721.
  • “Review of the Federal Real Property Act / Loi sur les immeubles fédéraux in the light of the coming into force of the Civil Code of Québec” in Department of the Minister of Justice (Canada), The Harmonization of Federal Legislation with Quebec Civil Law and Canadian Bijuralism / L’harmonisation de la legislation fédérale avec le droit civil quebécois et le bijuridisme canadien, 1997, p. 793-852; and “Review of the Proposals to amend the Federal Real Property Act / Loi sur les immeubles fédéraux in light of the bijural and bilingual character of federal statutory instruments”, (with N. Kasirer) p. 853-862.
  • “Regards sur le droit des biens dans le nouveau Code civil du Québec”, Revue internationale de droit comparé (Paris), 33-49 (1995, n° 1).
  • Index to the Archives of the Civil Code Revision Office, (with N. Kasirer), Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Montreal: 1995 651 p., also published online.
  • “Reception of English Law in the Canadian Province of Quebec” in M. Doucet and J. Vanderlinden, eds., La reception des systèmes juridiques: implantation et destin (Brussels: Emile Bruylant, 1994), 103-137.
  • “Preface” to volume 39, no. 4 (1994) ۲ݮƵ Law Journal [special number devoted to the Civil Code of Québec] 743-746.
  • “Les langues du Code civil du Québec” in P.-A. Côté, ed., Le nouveau Code civil. Interprétation et application (Les journées Maximilien-Caron 1992), Montreal: Thémis, 1993, 129-146.
  • “Legal Education in Canada” in Russell L. Weaver and Janet L. Richards, eds., “Symposium: Winds of Change - A Global Look at Legal Education” (1993) 72 Oregon Law Review 977-981.
  • “The New Quebec Law of Trusts: The Adaptation of Common Law Thought to Civil Law Concepts” in H.P. Glenn, ed., Droit québécois et droit français: communauté. concordance, autonomie, Assoc. Henri Capitant, Assoc. québécoise du droit comparé and Institute of Comparative Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Cowansville, Qc.,: Yvon Blais, 1993, p. 383-397.
  • “Des restrictions à la libre disposition de certains biens (Des stipulations d’inaliénabilité; De la substitution)” in Barreau du Québec and Chambre des notaires du Québec, La réforme du Code civil, t. 1 (Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1993), p. 711-734.
  • “De certains patrimoines d’affectation (De la fondation; De la fiducie)” in Barreau du Québec and Chambre des notaires du Québec, La réforme du Code civil, t. 1 (Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1993), p. 735-782.
  • “Du jeu et du pan; de la transaction; de la convention d’arbitrage” in Barreau du Québec: Chambre des notaires du Québec, La réforme du Code civil, t. 2 (Quebec City: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1993), p. 1061-1092.
  • “Bijuralism in Canada” in H.P. Glenn, ed., Contemporary Law / Droit contemporain, Canadian Reports to the 1990 International Congress of Comparative Law, Montreal, 1990, Montreal: Institute of Comparative Law, Yvon Blais, 1992, 22-43.
  • “The Civil Law in Canada” (1992) 84 Law Library Journal (American Assoc. of Law Libraries) 159-169.
  • “Preface” to ۲ݮƵ Law Journal [Special Number] Resolution of International Disputes (1992) 37 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 373-74.
  • “The Power of Appointment in Quebec Civil Law” (1992) 95 Revue du Notariat 131-67; 245-264.
  • “The Renewal of Quebec’s Distinct Legal Culture: The New Civil Code of Québec” 1992 Cecil Wright Memorial Lecture, (1992) 42 University of Toronto Law Journal 484-503.
  • “Arbitrage et idée de droit dans la pensée juridique révolutionnaire française et dans le système juridique du Québec” in S. Simard, ed., La Révolution française au Canada français, University of Ottawa Press: Ottawa, Paris, 1991, 365-378.
  • “Equity and Good Conscience and Amiable Composition in Canadian Arbitration Law” in Bradley Crawford et al., eds., Essays in Honour of Jacob S. Ziegel (1991) 19 Canadian Business Law Journal 461-484.
  • “Fiduciary Institutions in Quebec other than the Common law Trust” in D. Waters, ed., Proceedings of the International Academy Estates and Trusts Law of 1991, San Francisco: Microgeneration.
  • [Case Comment] “Wills - General Powers of Appointment in Wills - Bare powers and Trust powers - Ontario and Quebec Compared: Re Nicholls; Royal Trust v. Brodie” (1990) 69 Can. Bar Rev. 364-379.
  • “La notion de droit commun dans un système de droit mixte: le cas de la province de Québec” in La formation du droit national dans les pays de droit mixte, Université de droit, d’économie et des sciences d’Aix-Marseille, Presses universitaires d’Aix-Marseille: 1989, 103-118.
  • “Quebec’s “Common Laws” (droits communs): How Many Are There?” in E. Caparros, ed., Mélanges Louis-Philippe Pigeon, Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 1989, 109-128.
  • “Le régime juridique des fondations au Québec” in René-Jean Dupuy ed., Le droit des fondations en France et a l’étranger (papers presented at the colloquim held at the Fondation Hugot du College de France, 29 and 30 January 1988), Coll. Notes et études documentaires, n° 4879, La documentation française, Paris, 1989, 81-96.
  • “Sources of Civil Law: The Wainwright Collection” (with M.L. Renshawe), (1988) 1 Fontanus 77-83, ۲ݮƵ University.
  • “Canadian Acceptance of International Commercial Arbitration” (1988) 40 Maine L.R. 287-303.
  • “Canada” in [Italian legal encyclopedia] Digesto Quarta Edizione, Torino: Unione Tipigrafico-Editrice Torinese, 1988 (16 pp.). (Translation by Andrea Casalegno) 1988.
  • “Substitutions, stipulations d’inaliénabilité, fiducies et fondations” in Chambre des notaires du Québec, (1988) 3 Cours de perfectionnement 243-279.
  • “Quebec’s New (1986) Arbitration Law” (1987-1988) 13 Canadian Business Law Journal 58-69
  • “Historical Aspects of Law Teaching in Quebec” in R.J. Matas and D.J. McCawley, eds., Legal Education in Canada, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, Montreal, 1987, 146-153.
  • “Provincially Appointed Judges”, Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Committee on Judicial Appointments, Judicial Selection in Canada, 1987, 85-92.
  • “Une loi nouvelle pour le Québec en matière d’arbitrage” (1987) 47 Revue du Barreau 259-271.
  • “La convention d’arbitrage en droit québécois interne” in Chambre des notaires du Québec, (1987) Cours de perfectionnement 507-572.
  • “The English Language Tradition in Quebec Civil Law” in L’actualité terminologigue / Terminology Update, Dept. of the Secretary of State of Canada, vol. 20, no. 6, 1987, 16-18 (1987).
  • “Quebec Legal Education Since 1945: Cultural Paradoxes and Traditional Ambiguities” (11th Horace E. Read Memorial Lecture, Dalhousie Law School, Halifax, N.S. 20 Sept. 1985), (1986) 10 Dalhousie Law Journal 5-44.
  • “Overview of International Commercial Arbitration Law in Quebec and in the Canadian Common Law Provinces” in N. Antaki and A. Prujiner eds., L’Arbitrage commercial international International / Commercial Arbitration [Proceedings of the First International Commercial Arbitration Conference] Faculté de droit, Université Laval, October 1985, Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur,1986, 273-281.
  • “F.R. Scott, in Memoriam” The National vol. 12, no. 4.
  • “Quebec Arbitration Law: A New Era Begins” (Sept. 1985) The Arbitration Journal (New York) Sept. 1985, vol. 40, no. 3, 20-26.
  • [Entries on] “Civil Law” (p. 348, vol. 1); “Common Law” (p. 379, vol. 1); “Charles Doherty” (p. 502, vol. I); “Law” (with S. Waddams, p. 984-985, vol. II); “P.-B. Mignault” (p. 1130-3 1, vol. II); “Property Law” (with G. Bale, p. 1492-1493, vol. III); “William Smith C.J.” (p. 1709, vol. III); “Stare Decisis” (p. 1753, vol. III), The Canadian Encyclopedia, Edmonton: Hurtig, 1985.
  • [Biographical entries on] “G.E. Cartier,” p. 105-106; “James Crankshaw,” p. 136; “J. Crémazie,” p. 136; “F.-J. Cugnet,” p. 139; “C.J. Doherty,” p. 154; “E. Lafleur,” p. 300-301; “R.W. Lee,” p. 309; “J.J. MacLaren,” p. 335-336; “P.-B. Mignault,” p. 363; “James Monk,” p. 368; “W.R. Riddell,” p. 446-447; “Jonathan Sewell,” p. 471; “H.A. Smith,” p. 478; “J.S.D. Thompson,” p. 503-504; “F.P. Walton,” p. 523-524; A.W.B. Simpson (ed.), Biographical Dictionary of the Common Law, London: Butterworths, 1984, pp. XXV, 560.
  • “Introduction” in “‘L’affaire Tucker’ sous les feux du droit compare” p. 3-5 (with M. Cantin Cumyn, Y. Pratte and A.J. McClean), (1984) 15 Revue de droit de l’Université de Sherbrooke 3-43.
  • “Developments in Legal Education at ۲ݮƵ 1970-1980” (1982) 7 Dal. Law J. 364-374.
  • [Preface] “F.R. Scott (1981) 25 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 1.
  • “Foreword” in M. Cantin Cumyn, Les droits des bénéficiaires d’un usufruit, d’une substitution et d’une fiducie, ۲ݮƵ Legal Studies No. 4, Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 1980, 2 p.
  • “The Trust in Quebec” (with Y.-A. Caron), (1980) 25 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 421-440 and “Editor’s Post Scriptum” loc. cit., 440-44.
  • “The Co-Existence of Legal Systems in Quebec: Free and Common Socage in Canada’s ‘pays de droit civil’” in “Hommages à Jean-Charles Bonenfant” (1979) 20 Cahiers de droit 277-287.
  • Preface to the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Volume (1979) 25 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 1-2.
  • “Canada” (with J.S. Ziegel) in V. Knopp, ed., International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law, vol. 1, National Reports, International Association of Legal Science, Tubingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1979, pp. C-l1 - C-35.
  • “Legal Education, Admission to the Bar and Practice in Canada” (1976) 45 The Bar Examiner 36-40.
  • “La clause compromissoire: sa validité demeure-t-elle incertaine en droit québécois?” (1975) 2 Revue française de 1’Arbitrage 154-158.
  • “International Trade Arbitration: The Canadian Viewpoint” in R. St. J. Macdonald ed., Canadian Perspectives on International Law, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1974, 826-841.
  • “Authorities in the Civil Law” (annotated translation of portions of J. Carbonnier, Droit civil, t. I, 1969) in J. Dainow, ed., Role of Judicial Decisions and Doctrine in Civil Law and Mixed Jurisdictions, Institute of Civil Law Studies, Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1974, 91-118.
  • “The Civil Law System in Canada”, Canadian Association of Law Libraries, Proceedings, May 1973, 36-43.
  • “Husband and Wife in the Law of Quebec: A 1970 Conspectus” in D. Mendes da Costa, ed., Studies in Canadian Family Law, Toronto: Butterworths and Co., 1972, vol. 2, 795-844.
  • “Succession, Gifts and Wills” [Policy Papers], Civil Code Revision Office, Montreal, Part I, General Scheme of Gratuitous Transfers and Transmissions (March 1972); Part II, Mechanics of Estate Administration and Liquidation (May 1972), 199 p.
  • “Recent Reforms in Quebec Matrimonial Property Law” (1971) 2 Reports of Family Law 418-428.
  • “Observations on the Document de travail EE/C/3 of 16 November 1971 relating to Arbitration” Civil Code Revision Office, 1972, 24 p.
  • “Aspects of the Promise to Arbitrate in the Law of Quebec” (1970) 30 Revue du Barreau 473-489.
  • “The Canadian Legal System” in Handbook to the United States and Canada, London: Anthony Blond, 1970.
  • “Quebec’s Civil Law Codification: Viewed and Reviewed” (1968) 14 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 521-589.
  • [Case Comment] Saint-Pierre v. McCarthy (1958) 4 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 298-301.

Editorial Function (Series)

  • W.C.J. Meredith Memorial Lectures
  • Administrative Boards and Commissions, Montreal: Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Wilson and Lafleur, 1961, 85 p.
  • Five Lectures on Wills and Estates, Montreal: Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Wilson and Lafleur, 1961, 103 p.
  • Wainwright Memorial Lectures (General Editor)
  • Fourth Series, 1982, McClean, A.J. The Quebec Trust: Role Rich and Principle Poor? (1984), 29 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 312-325.
  • Third Series, 1978, Batiffol, H. Loi et la liberté (1979), 25 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 143-153.
  • Second Series, 1976, Dainow, J. Civil Law in a Mixed Jurisdiction, unpublished typescript on deposit in the Law Library, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, vii, ll4 p.
  • First Series, 1973, Mayrand, A. La personne humaine est inviolable, Montreal: Wilson and Lafleur, 1975, 228 p.


  • “The Development of the Concept of the Right of Ownership in the Contemporary Civil Law of Russia” by Y.A. Sukhanov (with Linda Jensen), Moscow State University, (1999) 44 ۲ݮƵ Law Journal 301.
  • Mélanges offerts / Presented to Paul-André Crépeau, with D. Jutras, N. Kasirer, R.A. Macdonald and Y. -M. Morissette, eds., Cowansville, Qc., Yvon Blais, 1997, 721 p.
  • Savoir des juges et savoir des juristes by Christian Atias, Montreal: Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, 1990, pp. xiii, 164. ۲ݮƵ Legal Studies No. 6.
  • General Editor (with P.-A. Crépeau) Civil Law Treatise (English language version of the Traité de droit civil de Québec), Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Montreal 1990.
  • Editorial Annotations in Jacques Béguin, L’arbitrage commercial international, Institute of Comparative Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Collection de droit comparé, 1987.
  • The Unborn Child’s Right to Prenatal Care - The Comparative Law Perspective by E.W. Keyserlingk Montreal: Quebec Research Centre for Private and Comparative Law, 1984, pp. xiii, 211. ۲ݮƵ Legal Studies No. 5.

Book Reviews

  • de Wuif, C. “The Trust and Corresponding Institutions in the Civil Law” (1967) 13 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 510-512.
  • Payne, J. “Digest of Cases and Materials on the Divorce Act, 1968” (1971) 17 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 600-02.
  • Kos-Rabcewicz- Zubkowski, “East European Rules on the Validity of Commercial Arbitration Agreements” (1971) 49 Can. Bar Rev. 492-94.
  • Mayrand, A. “Les Successions ab intestat” (1972) 18 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 270-71.
  • Azard and Bisson, “Droit civil québécois” (1972) 22 University of Toronto L.J. 215- 218.
  • Caparros, E. and Goulet, J., “La documentation juridique” (1974) 20 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 620-622.
  • Popovici, A., ed., “Problèmes de droit contemporain (Mélanges L. Baudouin)” (1975) 21 ۲ݮƵ L.J. 468-469.
  • Clarence Smith, J., “Private Law in Canada/Le droit privé au Canada” (1976) 8 Ottawa L.R. 262-265.
  • Deslauriers, I.-J., “La Cour supérieure du Québec et ses juges 1849-1980” (1982) 60 Can. Bar Rev. 222-223.
  • Mustill, M.J. and Boyd, S.C., “The Law and Practice of Commercial Arbitration in England” (1990) 69 Can. Bar Rev. 185-190.
  • New Zealand Law Reform Commission, “Arbitration -- Report No. 20 (1991)” (1992) 71 Can. Bar Rev. 415-17.
  • C.M. Germain, “Transnational Law Research -- A Guide for Attorneys” (1992) 71 Can. Bar Rev. 420-21.
  • James R. Fox, “Dictionary of International and Comparative Law” (1993) 72 Can. Bar Rev. 121-23.
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