

  • Speaker at the Paul-André Crépeau Center for Private and Comparative Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Montréal, September 2019. Subject: « La pensée de Paul-André Crépeau », published with Sylvio Normand in (2019) 60 Cahiers de Droit 3-93
  • Speaker at the Journées Jean-Louis Baudouin,  Montréal, March 2012, subject: "L’imprévision dans la réforme du Code civil et aujourd’hui", published in Mélanges Jean-Louis Baudouin, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2012, p. 371-391.
  • Rapporteur at the Association Henri Capitant Spain-Belgium-Québec colloquium, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010, subject: "La clause pénale au Québec : quelques lignes riches en histoire".
  • Rapporteur,  with Geneviève Saumier, for the world congress of comparative law of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Washington D.C., United States, July 2010, subject: "Le droit québécois sur la protection des consommateurs dans les relations internationales", published in D. C. Fernando Arroyo, ed., Consumer Protection in International Private Relations / La protection des consommateurs dans les relations privées internationales, Asuncion, Paraguay, 2010, 121.
  • Speaker at the colloquium of the Québec Society of Comparative Law, Montréal, April 2009; subject : "Controverse sur le domaine de la responsabilité contractuelle, source de réflexion sur la transposition du modèle français au Québec", published in Mélanges Adrian Popovici, Éditions Thémis, 2010, p. 599-630.
  • Speaker at the colloquium of the Chaire Jean-Louis Baudouin and the Québec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association for the 15th anniversary of the Québec Civil Code, Montréal, April 2009, and Québec City, October 2009; subject: "Les ramifications de l’interdiction d’opter. Tracer la frontière entre contrats et ‘délits’", published in (2010) Canadian Bar Review p. 357-383
  • Speaker at the Québec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, Montréal, December 2008; subject: "La responsabilité du fabricant. La tour de Pise penche toujours du même côté".
  • Speaker at a conference of the Groupe de recherche en droit international et comparé de la consommation (GREDICC), UQAM, Montréal, April 2008; subject : « Réflexions sur une réforme des garanties légales des produits de consommation»,  in T. Bourgoignie, dir., Propos autour de l’effectivité du droit de la consommation, Cowansville, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2008,  p. 105-121.
  • Speaker at a seminar of the judges of the Court of Québec, St-Jean-de-Matha, September 2006; subject : « Implications d’une violation de la Charte matière contractuelle».
  • Speaker at the conference of the Québec Society of Comparative Law and the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, Montreal, April 2005; subject: «Les multiples facettes de l’intervention du juge dans le contrat».
  • Contribution to the 2004 virtual congress of the Institut international de droit d’expression et d’inspiration françaises (IDEF) on the theme Le code civil français. Droit des obligations face à la mondialisation, May 2004; subject: "Deux lacunes de la justice contractuelle dans le Code civil au Québec"
  • Speaker at the Quebec Branch of the Canadian Bar Association, Montréal, February 2003; subject: "L’équité dans les contrats en droit civil québécois depuis la réforme du Code civil".
  • Speaker at the annual conference of the Quebec Superior Court judges (for the appeal district of Montreal), Montreal, May 2001; subject: "Le prolongement de la réforme du Code civil à la Cour supérieure".
  • Speaker at a session for continuing education of the Quebec Superior Court judges, Montreal, February 2001; subject: "Libres propos sur la jurisprudence comme source de droit civil".
  • Speaker at the Meredith Lectures, Montreal, March 1999; subject : "La modernité du droit commun des contrats dans le Code civil du Québec : quelle modernité? ", published (2000) Revue internationale de droit comparé, 49-76, and Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Meredith Lectures 1999. La pertinence renouvelée du droit des obligations : Back to Basics, Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 2000.
  • Speaker at the symposium on The Reform of the Civil Code Five Years Later, Montreal, November 1998; subject : "Équité et sévérité dans les sanctions de l’exécution du contrat", published in (1999) 78 Canadian Bar Review 220-248.
  • Rapporteur for the world congress of comparative law of the International Academy of Comparative Law, Bristol, Great Britain, July 1998, subject: "Le droit comparé dans la réforme du Code civil du Québec et sa première interprétation", published in Contemporary Law 1998 Droit contemporain, Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 1999, 69-89.
  • Speaker at the symposium on Commercial leases in 1997, Montreal, February 1997; subject: "Points saillants de la réforme du Code civil en matière de louage commercial".
  • Speaker at The Law and You Conference, Montreal, October 1996; subject: "Penal Clauses : Compensation Device or Penalty device".
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du Québec, Quebec City, May 1996; subject: "Les clauses abusives", published in (1996) 75 Canadian Bar Review 503-522.
  • Speaker at the annual symposium of the Barreau du Québec on Recent Developments in Commercial Law, Montreal, December 1995; subject: "Garantie des vices, responsabilité du fabricant, recours du vendeur impayé et autres points d’interrogation", published in Barreau du Québec, Récents développements en droit commercial (1995), Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 1996, 21-50.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du Québec, Montreal, June 1995; subject: "Misères et consolations de la victime d’une faute contractuelle".
  • Speaker at the Fifth International Conference on Consumer Law, Toronto, May 1995; subject: "International marketing, product safety and trade liberalization".
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Department of Justice Canada on current issues in Quebec private law, Ottawa and Montreal, February 1995; subject: "Contrat d’adhésion, clause abusive, clause pénale abusive et autres sujets d’inquiétude".
  • Speaker at seminars for the justices of the Supreme Court of Canada, Ottawa, February to May 1994; subject: "General policies of the reform of the Civil Code in the area of obligations, contracts, civil liability and special contracts".
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Department of Justice Canada on the Civil Code of Québec, Ottawa and Montreal, February 1994; subject: “Le nouveau droit des obligations”.
  • Speaker at The Law and You Conference, Montreal, November 1993; subject: "Default and Enforcement of Contract under the Civil Code of Québec".
  • Speaker at sessions of continuing education for the judiciary, Montreal and Quebec City, September 1993; subject: "The law of sale in the Civil Code of Québec".
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec City, August 1993; subject: "The Law of Contract under the New Civil Code".
  • Speaker at a seminar for the judiciary and the Faculty of Law, Université Laval, Quebec City, May 1993; subject: "Le pouvoir du tribunal de réduire les obligations contractuelles".
  • Speaker at a session for continuing education of the justices of the Court of Quebec, Montreal, June 1993; subject: "L'intervention des tribunaux dans les contrats".
  • Speaker at the joint symposium of the Association Henri Capitant and the Québec Society of Comparative Law, Montreal, November 1992; subject: “L'influence de la doctrine française sur le droit québécois”, published in Droit québécois et droit français : communauté, autonomie, concordance, Cowansville (Quebec), Yvon Blais, 1993, 91-117.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du Québec, Quebec City, June 1992; subject: "Les sanctions du contrat dans le Code civil du Bas-Canada et le Code civil du Québec", published in Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec 1992, Montreal, Barreau du Québec, 1027-1042.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Barreau du Québec, La Malbaie, June 1990; subject: "L'abus de droit contractuel"; published in Congrès annuel du Barreau du Québec 1990, Montreal, Barreau du Québec, 1990, 127 145.
  • Speaker at the Meredith Lectures, Montreal, October 1989; subject: "Les règles impératives dans le louage commercial", published in Meredith Lectures, 1989. Current Problems in Real Estate, Cowansville (Quebec), Éditions Yvon Blais, 1990, 177-196.
  • Speaker at the annual convention of the Association des professeurs de droit du Québec, April 1989, Lac Beauport; subject: "La réforme du droit des contrats".
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Association Henri Capitant, Montreal, April 1989; subject: "La réforme du droit des obligations. Prospective générale", published in (1989) 30 Cahiers de Droit 557 586.
  • Speaker at a meeting of the Civil Law Group of the Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, December 1988; subject: "Les grandes lignes de l'avant projet de loi sur les obligations".
  • Speaker at a meeting of the Civil Law Group of the Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, May 1988; subject: "Les dispositions impératives sur les clauses contractuelles dans l'avant projet de loi sur les obligations".
  • Speaker at a meeting of the business law section of the Canadian Bar Association, Montreal, November 1986; subject: "L'Évolution de l'injonction mandatoire dans les contrats".
  • Speaker and resource person at a session of continuing education for the members of the Régie du logement, Montreal, May 1986; subject: "Questions d'actualité en matière de louage résidentiel".
  • Panelist at the annual convention of the Barreau du Québec, Hull, May 1986; subject: "Le nouveau programme de la formation professionnelle: des avocats plus compétents?"
  • Speaker at a meeting of the comparative law section of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Montreal, May 1985; subject: "The Urban Residential Lease: Comparative Perspectives".
  • Speaker at the Annual Workshop on Commercial and Consumer Law, University of Toronto, October 1984; subject: "The Evolving Relationships between Contract and Tort Law"; published in (1985) 10 Canadian Business Law Journal 306 326.
  • Speaker at a symposium of the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, October 1983; subject: "Les orientations de la loi et la jurisprudence en matière de louage résidentiel".
  • Speaker at a meeting of the section on torts and delictual liability of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Vancouver, June 1983; subject: "The relations between statutes and delictual liability"; published in (1984) 44 Revue du Barreau 222 232.
  • Speaker at one of the Rencontres scientifiques de la Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal, Montreal, December 1982; subject: "Le rôle des facultés de droit dans le développement du droit civil québécois".
  • Speaker at the annual conference of the Association Henri Capitant, Mexico City, September 1982; subject: "Le droit du logement"; published in (1982) 13 Revue Générale de droit 351-378, and in Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, t. 33, Paris, Economica, 1982, 545 567.
  • Panelist at the annual symposium of the Association québécoise de droit comparé, Montreal, May 1982; subject: "L'affaire Wabasso sous les feux du droit comparé"; published in (1982) 27 ۲ݮƵ Law Journal 813 833.
  • Speaker at the annual conference of the Association Henri Capitant, Florence, May, 1980; subject: "Les réactions de la doctrine à la création du droit par les juges"; published in (1980) 21 Cahiers de droit 257 275 and in Travaux de l'Association Henri Capitant, t. 31, Paris, Economica, 1982, 65 80.
  • Panelist at the Quebec Louisiana symposium of the Association Henri Capitant, Quebec City, October 1978; subject: "Les interrelations du Code civil et du droit de la protection du consommateur. Les vices de consentement"; published in (1979) 10 Revue Générale de Droit 132 142.
  • Speaker at the annual symposium of the Law Faculties of ۲ݮƵ University and the Université de Montréal, Montreal, October, 1976; subject: "Les récents développements en matière de responsabilité civile du fabricant"; published in (1977) 12 Revue Juridique Thémis 7 13.
  • Speaker at a meeting of the section on commercial and consumer law of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Quebec City, June, 1976; subject: "Les développements concernant la lésion et la responsabilité du manufacturier en droit québécois".
  • Guest speaker at the annual convention of the Canadian Hospital Association, Ottawa, September, 1975; subject: "La responsabilité de l'hôpital pour les soins donnés par ses médecins".
  • Speaker at a seminar of the Law Faculties of the Université de Montpellier and the University of Heidelberg, May, 1971; subject: "La vente d'équipement mobilier corporel".
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