

  • Le respect des nuances dans la traduction bi-juridique de l'anglais au français, lecture given for the Société des traducteurs, Montreal, March 1979
  • Quelques orientations nouvelles dans les données juridiques des conflits du travail, paper (later published) presented at the Meredith Memorial lectures, ۲ݮƵ University, October 1980
  • The Duty to Bargain in Good Faith under Quebec Labour Law and its Effect on Quasi-Public Employers, lecture given for the Quebec Association of Protestant School Boards, Montreal, February 1982
  • La réforme des brefs de prérogative à la lumière du «Judicial Review Procedure Act», paper presented at the Institut de recherches appliquées sur le travail, November 1983
  • Pathologie et thérapeutique du recours voué à l'échec, paper (later published) presented during the bi-annual meeting of the Section on Torts and Civil Responsibility of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Montebello, February 1984
  • The Exclusion of Evidence under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms: What to Do and What Not to Do, paper (later published) presented to the Evidence Section during the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Toronto, June 1984
  • Le contrôle judiciaire des tribunaux du travail, aspects qualitatifs et quantitatifs, report presented to the Commission consultative sur le travail, Montreal, June 1985
  • Le contrôle de la compétence d'attribution: thèse, antithèse et synthèse, paper (later published) presented at the symposium on Administrative Law held at the Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, November 1985
  • Les lenteurs de la justice considérées sous un angle qui les avantage, paper (later published) presented at the symposium on Access to Justice held at the Université de Montréal, March 1987
  • Les nouvelles modalités du contrôle juridictionnel en droit administratif québécois, lecture given for the Association du barreau de province, Sherbrooke, November 1987
  • Teaching and Testing Professionnal Skills in the Quebec Bar Admission Programme, paper (later published) presented at the bi-annual meeting of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (United-States), Montreal, January 1988
  • Certains problème d'applicabilité des Chartes de droits et libertés en droit québécois, paper (later published) presented at the conference of the Formation permanente du Barreau du Québec, Quebec and Montreal, March 1988
  • L'impact de l'arrêt Dolphin Delivery sur le droit privé québécois, lecture given for the Association du Barreau de province, Val d'Or, May 1988
  • La place de la déontologie, et de son contenu cognitif, dans la formation professionnelle, report presented at the Comité de la formation professionnelle, Barreau du Québec, Montreal, October 1988
  • Le droit de la preuve dans la réforme du Code civil, lecture given during the opening session of the annual conference of the Barreau du Québec, Montreal, May 1989
  • Nationalism and International Law, lecture given for the World Federalist Movement – Canada, Montreal Branch, Montreal, November 1991
  • La déjudiciarisation et l'accès à la justice, lecture given at the symposium of the Bureaux de révision de la Commission de santé et sécurité du travail, Montreal, May1992
  • La sanction des recours abusifs, lecture given in the context of seminar courses for judges of the Faculty of Law of Université Laval, Quebec, October1992
  • The court system under the Canadian Constitution, talk given to a delegation of judge from the Constitutional Court of Austria, Montreal, May 1993
  • Canada as a Post-Modern Kritarchy, speech delivered for the Graduate Society of ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, June 1993
  • Les droits fondamentaux et l'accès à la justice comme moyens et comme fin, paper presented at the Symposium of the AUPELF-UREF on the effectiveness of fundamental rights, Port-Louis, Republic of Mauritius, September 1993
  • Le Québec au sein de la Constitution canadienne, talk given to the President of the legislative commission of the National Assembly of Vietnam and to a delegation of jurists representing the government of Vietnam, Montreal, October 1993
  • Le processus de nomination des juges en regard de leur «immense pourvoir politique», paper presented at the symposium of the Quebec Society of Comparative Law, March 1994
  • La formation professionnelle et la formation universitaire en droit, lecture given at the conference of the Association québécoise des professeurs de droit, April 1994
  • A Reactionary Look at the Future of the Legal Profession, lecture given at the Conference on the Legal Profession and Legal Ethics, Calgary, June 1994
  • The Origins of the Canadian Legal System and its Civil Law Tradition, talk given to the Minister of Justice of Vietnam and to a delegation of jurists of Vietnam, Montreal, September 1994
  • Synthèse des travaux, closing speech at the conference of the Canadian Institute for Administration of Justice on “Open Justice”, Ottawa, October 1994
  • Review of Administrative Records under NAFTA, paper (later published) presented at the symposium on “Administrative Law Implications of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms in International Trade” organized by the Centre for Trade Policy and Law, Ottawa, November 1994
  • Litigiousness, talk given in the context of reflection workshops organized by the Minister of Justice of Canada, Ottawa, February 1995
  • L'utilisation des travaux de sciences sociales dans la prise de décision judiciaire, lecture presented at the symposium of the Minister of Justice of Canada on Social Sciences and Law, Ottawa, March 1995
  • Les cours constitutionnelles nord-américaines et les travaux de sciences sociales, talk delivered in the context of doctoral Legal Theory and Public Law classes, Faculté de droit et de science politique d'Aix-Marseille, March 1995
  • La protection constitutionnelle de la liberté de religion au Canada, participation in a round-table discussion of the Groupe d'Études et de Recherches sur la Justice Constitutionnelle, Aix-en-Provence, March 1995
  • Le traitement du fait dans la tradition juridique anglo-américaine, talk delivered in the context of a doctoral in Judicial Law, Faculté de droit et de science politique d'Aix-Marseille, March 1995
  • The Resolution of Commercial Disputes in Western Legal Systems, with Special Emphasis on the Canadian Legal System, introductory course (5 days half-load) taught to judges of the Economic Tribunal of Vietnam, Hanoi, May 1995
  • The Resolution of Commercial Disputes in Western Legal Systems, with Special Emphasis on the Canadian Legal System, introductory course (5 days half-load) taught to judges of the Economic Tribunal of Vietnam, Danang, May 1995
  • Expertise et partialité, deux faces de la même médaille?, paper presented during the annual meeting of judges of the Federal Court of Canada, National Judicial Institute, Montebello, October 1995
  • Trois modestes commentaires sur les rapports entre l’éthique, la déontologie et le droit, lecture given at the Conference on «Qualité et amélioration continue» of the Conseil interprofessionnel du Québec, Montreal, November 1995
  • La connaissance d’office des données socio-économiques en droit de la famille - Réponse à Mme le juge L’Heureux-Dubé, lecture given at the Conference on Family Law of the National Judicial Institute, Quebec, February 1996
  • Comment on Alan Cairns’s “Why is it So Dificult to Talk to Each Other?”, commentary delivered during the Conference on «Blasted Pine - A Conference on Contemporary Consitution-alism», ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, February 1996
  • Le secret professionnel en droit québécois, un droit fondamental absolu et relatif selon les circonstances, lecture given at the Conference on «Professional Responsibility and Professional Ethics», ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, May 1997
  • The Canadian Legal System and its dual Private Law Traditions, lecture given for a delegation of judges and jurists from Vietnam, Montreal, June 1997
  • Judicial Remuneration for Federally Appointed Judges in Canada - A Comment, paper presented at the Canadian Association of Provincial Court Judges, Ottawa, August 1997
  • L’arrêt Libman, peu lu mais vivement dénoncé, paper presented for the Quebec Studies Program at ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, November 1997
  • Lies my Notary Told Me - Le vrai et l’inscription de faux, paper presented in the context of the Conferences the Quebec Research Centre of Private and Comparative Law, November, 1997 [to be published, Éditions Themis, 2000]
  • L’incidence de la légalité sur la souveraineté / la sécession du Québec, debates with Mr. Claude Ryan organized by the Conseil pour l’unité canadienne, Montreal, February 1998 (later published in La Presse)
  • La place de la déontologie dans un ordre professionnel, paper presented at the Conseil Interprofessionnel du Québec, Montreal, March 1998
  • Should "Perspective" Form Part of the Message?, paper presented at the annual meeting of appellate level judges of the National Judicial, Montreal, April 1998
  • Le peuple du Québec devant la Cour suprême du Canada, speech delivered for the annual General Assembly of the Conseil pour l’unité canadienne, Ottawa, April 1998
  • Le rôle de l’université dans la formation des juristes: perspectives et projections, paper presented for the Comité de la formation professionnelle du Barreau du Québec, North Hatley, May 1998
  • The Origins, Aims and Methodology of Comparative Law, seminar of 9 hours held for a group of jurists of the government of Vietnam, Saigon, May 1998
  • Comparative Civil Procedure and International Arbitration, seminar of 9 hours held for a group of jurists of the government of Vietnam, Hanoi, May 1998
  • L’humanisation du droit de la famille - Rapport d’étape, talk given at the Annual Conference of the Barreau du Québec, La Malbaie, June 1998
  • Les retombées politiques du Renvoi sur la Sécession du Québec, paper, ۲ݮƵ Institue for the Study of Canada, September 1998
  • The Secession Reference in the Supreme Court of Canada - Its Immediate Effect on Quebec and Canadian Politics, paper, Harvard University Seminar on Canada, Boston, September 1998
  • Les fonctions respectives de la déontologie et de la justice naturelle dans la justice administrative, paper (later published) presented in the context of the of the service de la formation permanente du Barreau du Québec, Montreal, November 1998
  • The Institutions and Professions in the Canadian Legal System, seminar of 9 hours held for a group of judges from the Popular Republic of China, Montreal, January 1999
  • Le contentieux sur les conflits d’intérêts: origines et perspectives, meeting of the Quebec Court of Appeal, Quebec City, February 1999
  • Evidence in Anglo-American systems, seminar of 12 hours held for a group of judges from the Popular Republic of China, Montreal, May 1999
  • Figure actuelle du juge dans la cité, opening lecture (later published), Joint conference of the Association canadienne des professeurs de droit and the Association canadienne droit et société, Sherbrooke, June 1999
  • Le juge canadien et le rapport entre la légalité, la constitutionnalité et la légitimité, paper (later published) presented at a conference of the Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice, Quebec, October 1999
  • Quelques points de repère sur l’égalité dans une société diversifiée, paper (later published) presented at the conference of the National Judicial Institute, Montreal, October 1999
  • Deux ou trois choses que je sais d’elle (la rationalité juridique), lecture (to be published) given under the auspices of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy, Université du Québec à Montréal, November 1999
  • Droit et science politique à l’UQÀM, address (later published by UQÀM) presented at the opening of the Faculty of Political Science and Law of the Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, January 2000
  • Le projet de loi C-20 au regard du Renvoi sur la sécession du Québec, talk and dissertation presented for the Special Parliamentary Committee on Bill C-20, Ottawa, February 2000
  • Challenging the Law of Evidence: How Are We Doing With Facts?, paper (to be published) presented at the conference of the National Judicial Institute, Halifax, March 2000
  • Pathologie et thérapeutique du plaideur trop belliqueux, paper presented during a conference of the Université du Québec à Montréal on the “Abuse of Law and Civil Procedure”, Montreal, March 2000
  • Rapport général: Solidarité, bonne foi et droits de l’homme, Les Journées Strasbourgeoises, Strasbourg, July 2000
  • A Canadian Perspective on Confidentiality, Psychotherapy and the Law, paper presented at the Congress on «Confidentiality and Society: Psychotherapy, Ethics and the Law», Canadian Psychoanalytic Society and the International Psychoanalytic Association, Montreal, October 2000
  • The Making of the Administrative State — Historical Development, paper presented at the Joint Seminar on Judicial Review, National Judges College, Beijing, November 2000
  • Standing and Judicial Deference, paper presented at the Joint Seminar on Judicial Review, National Judges College, Beijing, November 2000
  • The Future of Judicial Review, paper presented at the Joint Seminar on Judicial Review, National Judges College, Beijing, November 2000
  • Pathologie et thérapeutique du plaideur trop belliqueux, paper presented at the conference of the Formation professionnelle du Barreau du Québec, Montreal, April 2001
  • Expertise et connaissance d’office dans la justice administrative, paper presented at the annual conference of the Tribunal administratif du Québec, Bécancour, June 2001
  • The Legal Profession and the Practice of Law in Canada, seminar held for the California Judges Association, Montreal, June 2001
  • Séminaire: Faire le point sur la Charte canadienne des droits, one week seminar held for the National Judicial Institute, Montebello, July 2001
  • ۲ݮƵ’s Integrated Civil and Common Law Programme, paper presented at the Conference on bi-juralism, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, November 2001
  • Rapport général – Région Europe, Colloquim on «Mondialisation et Justice» organized by the Barreau du Québec and the Minister of Justice of Quebe, Montreal, January 2002
  • Quelques considérations sur la quérulence et l’abus du droit d’ester en justice, lecture given at the Juriclub, Montreal, February 2002
  • L’imputabilité, notion juridique, notion administrative et notion politique, lecture given at the conference of the parole officers of the Correctional Service of Canada, Mont Saint-Sauveur, March 2002
  • Tracing and Exposing Extrinsic Evidence, lecture presented for the Appellate Courts Seminar, The National Judicial Institute, Vancouver, April 2002
  • The Gatekeeping Function and Opinion Evidence, lecture presented for the Ontario Superior Court Seminar, The National Judicial Institute, Ottawa, April 2002
  • Le justiciable quérulent et le justiciable non représenté – État des questions, lecture presented at the Annual Conference of the Barreau du Québec, La Malbaie, May 2002
  • Bias and Judicial Ethics in Canadian Law – A Synthetic Overview, lecture presented for a group of judges from Serbia and Montenegro, International Commission of Jurists and Canadian International Development Agency, Montreal, June 2002
  • Legal Education in Canada and Transsystemic Legal Education at ۲ݮƵ, paper presented to a delegation of Vietnamese judges and professors of law, Montreal, August 2002
  • Comment concilier déontologie et indépendance judiciaires? paper (to be published) presented at the Conference of the Conseil de la magistrature du Québec on occasion of the Annual Conference of Judges of the Court of Quebec, Quebec, October 2002
  • Judicial Review of Administrative Action and Legislation in Canada, talk given for a delegation of judges of the Supreme Court of the Popular Republic of China, Montreal, January 2003
  • Les règles d'intervention en appel et en révision judiciaire convergent-elles? Speech presented at the seminar for the training of judges of the Quebec Court of Appeal, Quebec, April 2003
  • Abus de droit, quérulence et parties non représentées, lecture presented for the Association des juges administratifs du Québec, Montreal, June 2003
  • Abus de droit, quérulence et parties non représentées, lecture presented for the Association des juges administratifs du Québec, Quebec, June 2003
  • The Strong Legal Indeterminacy Thesis and Appellate Judging in Canada and in the United States, paper, Tulane – ۲ݮƵ – Albany Law Schools Programme, Montreal, August 2003
  • Questions of Law, Questions of Fact and the Decision in Housen v. Nikolaisen, lecture, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, October 2003
  • Some Thoughts on Judicial Outreach, Judicial Independence and Judicial Ethics, paper given at the Conference of the Canadian and American Courts of Appeal, The National Judicial Institute, Victoria, October 2003
  • The Gatekeeping Function and Scientific Evidence Revisited, paper presented at the annual Conferenec of the Federal Court of Canada, The National Judicial Institute, Gatineau, May 2004
  • Questions of Law, Questions of Fact and the Decision in Housen v. Nikolaisen, lecture, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, October 2004
  • Le contentieux administratif vingt-cinq ans après la Révolution, lecture presented before the judges of the Administrative Division of the Superior Court of Quebec, Montreal, May 2005
  • Adversarial and Inquisitorial Models of Procedure, and Judicial Mediation, speech presented at the joint conference of the National Judicial Institute/Council of Europe/ Court of Appeal of Quebec, Montreal, October 2005
  • Questions of Law, Questions of Fact and the Decision in Housen v. Nikolaisen, lecture, Faculty of Law, ۲ݮƵ Univesity, Montreal, October 2005
  • Réflexions sur la quérulence (et sur le justiciable qui se représente seul) – État des questions, lecture presented at the Symposium of the Conférence des juges administratifs du Québec, Quebec, November 2005
  • Equality and Impartiality from the Bottom Up (As Opposed to top Down) – paper presented in the context of a research seminar given by Justice Georgina Jackson, ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, February 2006
  • Appellate Advocacy in Three Parts, seminar on pleading at the appellate level, ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, March 2006
  • L’apport des disciplines exogènes en droit sur le métier des praticiens, paper presented at the annual congress of the Association de professeur de droit du Québec, Mont-Gabriel, April 2006
  • Five Progressive Steps in Addressing the Problem of Querulous Litigants, paper presented at the international Symposium on “Access to Justice: How Much is Too Much?”, Monash University, Prato, Italy, July 2006
  • La quérulence – État des questions pour les juristes, paper, Canadian Institute, Montreal, February 2007
  • Appellate Advocacy in Three Parts, seminar on pleading at the appellate level, course, ۲ݮƵ University, Montreal, March 2007
  • Les technologies de l’information et le travail du juge, paper presented at the Colloque du Jeune Barreau du Québec on Information Technology, Montreal, April 2007
  • Cerner la notion d’intégrité en déontologie judiciaire, speech given at the annual Symposium of the Conférence des juges municipaux du Québec, Bécancourt, September 2007
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