AJung Moon


Headshot of AJung Moon

Le professeur AJung Moon appartient au DĂ©partement de gĂ©nie Ă©lectrique et informatique de l'UniversitĂ© ÎŰÎ۲ÝÝ®ĘÓƵ et est directeur du laboratoire d'autonomie responsable et d'Ă©thique des systèmes intelligents (RAISE) au Centre de Recherche sur les Machines Intelligentes.



V. Qiang, J. Rhim, and A. Moon, “No such thing as one-size-fits-all in AI ethics frameworks: a comparative case study”. AI & SOCIETY, 1–20 (2023).

K. Szilagyi, J. Millar, A. Moon, and S. Rismani, “Driving into the Loop: Mapping Automation Bias and Liability Issues for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems”. Digital Society 2, 41 (2023)

S. Brooks, and A. Moon, “Governing the Social Dimensions”. The SAGE Handbook of Human–Machine Communication, 409 (2023).

R. Shelby, S. Rismani, K. Henne, A. Moon, N, Rostamzadeh, P. Nicholas, N. Yilla-Akbari, J. Gallegos, A. Smart, E. Garcia, G. Virk, “Sociotechnical Harms of Algorithmic Systems: Scoping a Taxonomy for Harm Reduction”, Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (2023).

S. Rismani, and A. Moon, “What does it mean to be a responsible AI practitioner: An ontology of roles and skills”, in Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (2023), 584–595.

S. Rismani, et al. “Beyond the ML Model: Applying Safety Engineering Frameworks to Text-to-Image Development”, in Proceedings of the 2023 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (2023), 70–83.

C. Lin, A. Moon, “Less Than Human: How Different Users of Telepresence Robots Expect Different Social Norms”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)

S. Rismani et al. “From plane crashes to algorithmic harm: applicability of safety engineering frameworks for responsible ML”, in Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (2023), 1–18.

D. Marino, A. Moon, "The potential for co-operatives to mitigate AI ethics catastrophes: perspectives from media analysis," 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2023, pp. 1-10, doi: 10.1109/ETHICS57328.2023.10155081.

A. Sigal, H.-C. Lin, and A. Moon, “Improving Reinforcement Learning Training Regimes for Social Robot Navigation”. arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.14947 (2023).

R.A. Ananto, S. Rismani, L. Zhu, C.Y. Wong, A. Moon “Roboethics for Everyone - A Hands-on Teaching Module for K-12 and Beyond”, The Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA-ACÉG) 2024 Conference

C.Y. Wong, R.A. Ananto, T. Akiyama, J.P. Nemargut, A. Moon, “Perspectives on Robotic Systems for the Visually Impaired”, 2024, ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Late Breaking Reports


Vincent Mai et al. “The Role of Robotics in Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals—The Experts’ Meeting at the 2021 IEEE/RSJ IROS Workshop [Industry Activities]”. In: IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 29.1 (2022), pp. 92–107.

Jimin Rhim et al. “Roboethics as a Design Challenge: Lessons Learned from the Roboethics to Design and Development Competition”. In: 2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). IEEE. 2022, pp. 11244–11250.

Shalaleh Rismani et al. “From plane crashes to algorithmic harm: applicability of safety engineering frameworks for responsible ML”. In: NeurIPS ML Safety Workshop. 2022.

L. Zhu and A. Moon. “Effects of Entrainment in Human-Robot Interaction”. In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Workshop YOUR Study Design. 2022.

J. Rhim and A. Moon. “Not too abstract, not too absolute: The Roboethics Goldilocks hypothesis”. In: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction Workshop: Fairness and Transparency in HRI ACM/IEEE. 2022.

Shalaleh Rismani and AJung Moon. “What does it mean to be an AI Ethicist: An ontology of existing roles”. In: arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.03946 (2022).


C. Lin and A. Moon. “Can Open Source Licenses Help Regulate Lethal Autonomous Weapons?,” IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 40(3), 25-27, October 2021. Retrieved from doi:10.1109/ MTS.2021.3101832

A. Moon, M. Hashmi, H.F.M. Van der Loos, E. Croft, and A. Billard. “Design of Hesitation Gestures for Nonverbal Human-Robot Negotiation of Conflicts,” Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction, 2021. Retrieved from doi:10.1145/3418302

A. Moon, S. Rismani, and H.F. Van der Loos. “Ethics of Corporeal, Co-present Robots as Agents of Influence: a Review,” Springer Current Robotics Report, 2021. 00053-6

S. Rismani and A. Moon. “How do AI systems fail socially?: Social Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for AI,” In IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society 2021 Canada: IEEE, July 2021.

K. Szilagyi, J. Millar, A. Moon, and S. Rismani. “Driving Into the Loop: Mapping Automation Bias & Liability Issues for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems,” In We Robot 2021, October 2021.

C. Lin, J. Rhim, and A. Moon. “Mobile Robotic Telepresence: A New Social Hierarchy?,” In 30th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication - Robot Behavior Adaptation to Human Social Norms (TSAR) Workshop IEEE, August 2021.

S. Rismani and A. Moon. “How do AI systems fail socially? Social Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) for artificial intelligence systems,” In We Robot 2021, July 2021.

J. Rhim, C. Lin, and A. Moon. “The R2D2 (Roboethics to Design & Development) Competition: Translating moral values into practice,” In We Robot 2021, October 2021.


Rismani S, Moon A. (2020, May). Can We Measure Ethics of an Artificial Intelligence Systems? If yes, What do we measure? How do we measure?. In We Robot 2020.

Rismani S, Moon A. (2020, October). What do we measure when we measure the ethics of AI systems?. In Montreal AI Symposium (MAIS) 2020

Bronson K., Le Page S., Robinson K., Moon AJung, Rismani S., Millar J. (2020, March). Drivers' Awareness, Knowledge, and Use of Autonomous Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Vehicle Automation. ArXiv,

Adamson J, Charles J, Darden A, Lee F, Lowe M, Moon A, Rismani S. (2020, March). Foresight into AI Ethics in Healthcare (FAIE-H): A toolkit for creating an ethics roadmap for your healthcare AI project.

Antebi L, Asaro P, Baker D, Boulanin V, Chengeta T, Dahlmann A, Dickow M, Garcia D, GeiĂź R, Hahn E, Kozyulin V, MacLeod I, Moon A, Reddy S, Sato H, Sauer F, Shim D, StrauĂź L. (2020, May). LAWS and Export Control Regimes: Fit for Purpose?.


Le Page, S., Millar, J., Bronson, K., Rismani, S., and Moon, A., “Driver perceptions of advanced driver assistance systems and safety”, arXiv e-prints, 2019.

P Asaro, V Boulanin, T Chengeta, A Dahlmann, M Dickow, D Garcia, E Hahn, V Kozyulin, I MacLeod, A Moon, S Reddy, H Sato, F Sauer, L StrauĂź, B Zhang. iPRAW Focus on Human Control, 2019

Emily Collins, Kerstin Fischer, Bertram F. Malle, AJung Moon, James E. Young. The Broader Context of Trust in HRI: Discrepancy between Expectations and Capabilities of Autonomous Machines. Dagstuhl Reports vol. 9 issue 4, pp 82-85, 2019.

Radmard, S., Moon, A. & Croft, E.A. Impacts of Visual Occlusion and Its Resolution in Robot-Mediated Social Collaborations. Int J of Soc Robotics 11, 105–121 (2019).


L Antebi, V Boulanin, T Chengeta, A Dahlmann, M Dickow, D Garcia, R GeiĂź, E Hahn, V Kozyulin, I MacLeod, A Moon, S Reddy, H Sato, F Sauer, D Shim, L StrauĂź. iPRAW Concluding Report: Recommendations to the GGE, 2018.

L Antebi, P Asaro, D Baker, V Boulanin, T Chengeta, A Dahlmann, M Dickow, D Garcia, R Geiß, E Hahn, V Kozyulin, I MacLeod, A Moon, S Reddy, H Sato, F Sauer, D Shim, L Strauß. IPRAW Focus on Ethical Implications for the Regulation of LAWS, 2018

K Wong L Antebi, P Asaro, D Baker, V Boulanin, T Chengeta, A Dahlmann, M Dickow, D Garcia, R GeiĂź, E Hahn, V Kozyulin, I MacLeod, A Moon, S Reddy, H Sato, F Sauer, D Shim, L StrauĂź. IPRAW Focus on The Human-Machine Relation in LAWS, 2018


Sheikholeslami S, Moon Aj, Croft EA. Cooperative gestures for industry: Exploring the efficacy of robot hand configurations in expression of instructional gestures for human–robot interaction. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 2017;36(5-7):699-720.

K Wong L Antebi, P Asaro, D Baker, V Boulanin, T Chengeta, A Dahlmann, M Dickow, D Garcia, R GeiĂź, E Hahn, V Kozyulin, I MacLeod, A Moon, S Reddy, H Sato, F Sauer, D Shim, L StrauĂź. IPRAW Focus on Computational Methods in the Context of LAWS, 2017.

L Antebi, P Asaro, D Baker, V Boulanin, T Chengeta, A Dahlmann, M Dickow, D Garcia, R GeiĂź, E Hahn, V Kozyulin, I MacLeod, A Moon, S Reddy, H Sato, F Sauer, D Shim, L StrauĂź, K Wong. IPRAW Focus on Technology and Application of Autonomous Weapons, 2017.

AJung Moon, Shalaleh Rismani, Jason Millar. Ethics Analysis of Predictive Algorithms: An Assessment Report for BC Safety Authority, 2017.

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