
Saibal Ray

James ۲ݮƵ Professor, Operations Management; Vice-Dean, Faculty
Academic title(s): 

Desautels Business Leadership Chair 1

Saibal Ray
Contact Information
Email address: 
saibal.ray [at] mcgill.ca
Alternate email address: 
gina.ceolin [at] mcgill.ca

Bronfman Building [Map]
1001 rue Sherbrooke Ouest
Montreal, Quebec
H3A 1G5


PhD, Operations Management, University of Waterloo, Canada
MEng, Industrial Systems Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand
BEng, Production Engineering, Jadavpur University, India

Operations Management
Bensadoun School of Retail Management

Dr. Ray joined the Operations Management area of the Desautels Faculty of Management in 2001, after finishing his Phd from the University of Waterloo (1998-2001). Dr. Ray holds a bachelor degree in Production Engineering, and a master's degree in Industrial and Systems Engineering. In addition, he worked for about five years in India in supply management and project management sectors.

Dr. Ray's research interest can broadly be categorized as supply chain management. He is specifically interested in studying supply chain risk management, retail operations management, and supply chain issues related to agri-food and natural resources sectors. Most of his research is at the interface of operations and marketing. His research has been accepted/published in such reputed journals like Management Science, Operations Research, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (M&SOM), Marketing Science, Quantitative Marketing & Economics (QME), Production and Operations Management (POMS), IIE Transactions, Naval Research Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research and International Journal of Production Economics. He has also presented his research in a number of international conferences. In addition, Dr. Ray presently holds/held a number of grants from almost all the major granting in Canada (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR) and Quebec (FRQSC and FRQS). He has been awarded the prestigious Desautels Faculty Scholar award twice for his research achievements. In addition, he is a Senior Editor for POMS and Associate Editors for M&SOM and IIE Transactions.

Dr. Ray's teaching interests are also related to operations and supply chain management. He teaches the core operations management at the MBA level and have taught courses on operations strategy and technology/process implementation at undergraduate and graduate levels. He has been awarded multiple teaching awards including Teaching Excellence Award from Quebec Government and Desautels Teaching Award for Undergraduate Teaching.

Moreover, Dr. Ray holds the Desautels Business Leadership Chair andis presently the Vice-Dean, Facultyat the Desautels Faculty of Management. In addition, he is also presently the Academic Director for the Program for International Competitiveness and ۲ݮƵ Center for the Convergence of Health and Economics. He has also served as the Academic Director of the Bensadoun School of Retail Management (BSRM) as well asVice-Dean, Research, Associate Dean, Academic, theAssociate Dean, Research and International Relations and astheDirector of the PhD program in the faculty.


Current Courses

  • MGCR 652 Value Creation 4 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

Courses Taught

  • MGSC 402 Course not available

  • MGSC 602 Strategic Mgmt of Operations 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

  • MGSC 616 Technology in Action 3 Credits
      Offered in the:
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Summer

Tenured & Tenure Track
Research areas: 
Emerging Markets
Empirical/Behavioral Operations Management
Retail Operations Management
Supply Chain Risk Management
Selected publications: 

Papers in Peer-Reviewed Journals

Yuhong He, Shuya Yin and Saibal Ray. Group Selling, Product Durability and Consumer Behavior, Production and Operations Management, Forthcoming

Xiao Huang, Tamer Boyaci, Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray and Dan Zhang. (2016)United We Stand, Divided We Fall: Strategic Supplier Alliances Under Default Risk,Management Science, 62, 5, 1297-1315.

Jing Zhu, Tamer Boyaci and Saibal Ray.(2016)Effects of Upstream and Downstream Mergers on Supply Chain,European Journal of Operational Research,249, 1, 131-143.

Xiaofeng Nie, Tamer Boyaci, Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray and Dan Zhang. (2014) Joint Procurement and Demand-side Bidding Strategies Under Price Volatility,Annals in Operations Research, 1-45

Haresh Gurnani, Karthik Ramachandran, Saibal Ray and Yusen Xia. (2014) Ordering Behavior Under Supply Risk: An Experimental Investigation, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 16, 1, 61-75.

Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray and Shuya Yin. (2013) Returns Policies Between Channel Partners for Durable Products with Used Goods Markets, Marketing Science, 32, 4, 622-643.

Mehmet Gumus, Shanling Li, Wonseok Oh and Saibal Ray. (2013) Shipping Fees or Shipping Free? A Tale of Two Price Partioning Strategies in Online Retailing, Production and Operations Management, 22, 4, 758-776.

Arcan Nalca, Tamer Boyaci and Saibal Ray (2013). Equilibrium Analyisis of the Availability Verification Clause Under Demand Uncertainty, Management Science, 59, 971-986.

Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray and Haresh Gurnani. (2012) Supply Side Story: Risks,Guarantees, Competition and Information Asymmetry, Management Science, 58, 9, 1694-1714.

- Awarded MSOM iForm SIG Best PaperAward from INFORMS MSOM Society.

Haresh Gurnani, Mehmet Gumus, Saibal Ray and Tridip Ray. (2012) Optimal ProcurementStrategy Under Supply Risk, 29, 1, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 1-31.

Sachin Jayswal, Elizabeth Jewkes and Saibal Ray. (2011) Product Differentiation andOperations Strategy in a Capacitated Environment, 210, European Journal of OperationalResearch, 716-728.

Arcan Nalca, Tamer Boyaci and Saibal Ray. (2010) Competitive Price Matching GuaranteesUnder Imperfect Product Availability, Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 8, 3, 275-300.

Shuya Yin, Saibal Ray, Haresh Gurnani and Animesh Animesh. (2010) Durable Productswith Multiple Used Goods Markets: Product Upgrade and Retail Pricing Implications, 29, 3,Marketing Science, 540-560.

Saibal Ray, Yuyue Song and Manish Verma. (2010) Comparison of Two Periodic ReviewModels for Stochastic and Price-Sensitive Demand Environment, International Journal ofProduction Economics, 128, 1, 209-222.

Yuyue Song, Saibal Ray and Tamer Boyaci. (2009) Optimal Dynamic Joint Inventory-Pricing Control for Multiplicative Demand with Fixed Order Costs and Lost Sales,Operations Research, 57, 1, 245-250.

Yuyue Song, Saibal Ray and Shanling Li. (2008) Structural Properties of Buyback Contractsfor Price-Setting Newsvendors, 10, 1, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management,1-18.

Tamer Boyaci and Saibal Ray. (2006) The Impact of Capacity Costs on Product Differentiation in Delivery Time, Delivery Reliability and Price, Production and Operations Management, 15, 2, 197-197.

Yigal Gerchak, Richard Cho and Saibal Ray. (2006) Coordination of Quantity and Shelf-Retention Timing in the Video Movie Rental Industry, IIE Transactions, 38, 7, 525-536

- Featured in the professional magazine Industrial Engineer, December 2005, 55.

- Awarded IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics Best Application Paper Award.

Frank Chen, Saibal Ray and Yuyue Song. (2006) Optimal Pricing and Inventory Control Policy in Periodic-Review Systems with Fixed Ordering Cost and Lost Sales, Naval Research Logistics, 53, 2, 117-136.

Saibal Ray, Shanling Li and Yuyue Song. (2005) Tailored Supply Chain Decision-Making Under Price-Sensitive Stochastic Demand and Delivery Uncertainty, Management Science, 51, 12, 1873-1891.

Saibal Ray, Yigal Gerchak and Elizabeth Jewkes. (2005) Joint Pricing and Inventory Policies for Make-to-Stock Products with Deterministic Price-Sensitive Demand, International Journal of Production Economics, 97, 2, 143-158.

Saibal Ray. (2005). An Integrated Operations-Marketing Model for Innovative Products and Services, International Journal of Production Economics, 95, 3, 327-345.

Saibal Ray, Tamer Boyaci and Necati Aras. (2005) Optimal Prices and Trade-in Rebates for Durable, Remanufacturable Products, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 7, 3, Summer, 208-228.

Saibal Ray and Elizabeth Jewkes. (2004) Customer Lead time Management when Both Demand and Price are Lead Time Sensitive, European Journal of Operational Research, 153, 3, 769-781.

Saibal Ray, Yigal Gerchak and Elizabeth Jewkes. (2004) The Effectiveness of Investment in Lead Time Reduction for a Make-To-Stock Product, IIE Transactions, 36, 333-344.

Tamer Boyaci and Saibal Ray. (2003) Product Differentiation and Capacity Cost Interaction in Time and Price Sensitive Markets, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 5, 1, Winter, 18-36.

Yigal Gerchak, Elkafi Hassini and Saibal Ray. (2002) Capacity Selection under Uncertainty with Ratio Objectives, European Journal of Operational Research, 143, 1, 138-147.

Books and Edited Volumes

Co-Edited; “Supply Chain Disruptions: Theory and Practice of Managing Risk” jointly with HareshGurnani and Anuj Mehrortra of University of Miami (Publisher: Springer, London; ISBN:0857297775)

Working Papers

  • Taner Boyaci, Saibal Ray and Yuyue Song. Dynamic Decision-making in a Decentralized Price-Setting Supply Chain (Last revised February 2006)
  • Yue Zhang, Saibal Ray and Vedat Verter. Competitive Joint Location and Pricing Decisions (Last revised August 2007)

  • Xiaoqing Jing and Saibal Ray. Analysis of Competition between Risk-Averse Newsvendor Retailers (Last revised August 2007)

  • Tamer Boyaci, Haresh Gurnani and Saibal Ray. Optimal Pricing and Capacity Decisions for Complementary and Substitutable Products (Last revised August 2004).

  • Saibal Ray and J. H. Bookbinder. Service Level Management for Price and Service Sensitive Customers (Last revised August 2004)

  • Shanling Li, Saibal Ray and Yuyue Song. Optimal Joint Pricing, Stocking and Replenishment Time Strategy for a Procure-to-Stock Firm (Last revised October 2004)

  • Maria Sedeno, Saibal Ray and Kevin Schwartzman. Improving Patient Accessibility and Waiting Time Reduction at Montreal Chest Clinic (Last revised August 2003)

Editorial Appointments

Editorial Board

Senior Editor, Production and Operations Management (POMS), 2014 – Present

Associate Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 2011 – Present

Associate Editor, IIE Transactions, 2010 – Present

Associate Editor, Operations and Supply Chain Management Journal, 2006 – Present

Associate Editor, Journal of Flexible Services and Manufacturing, 2007-2009

Editorial Board Member, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Services (CJAS), 2006-2009

Operations and Decision Sciences DivisionSenior Editor, Production and Operations Management (POMS), 2014 – Present

Associate Editor, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (M&SOM), 2011 – Present

Associate Editor, IIE Transactions, 2010 – Present

Associate Editor, Operations and Supply Chain Management Journal,2006 – Present

Associate Editor, Journal of Flexible Services and Manufacturing, 2007-2009

Editorial Board Member, the Canadian Journal of Administrative Services (CJAS), Operations and Decision Sciences Division,2006-2009

Editor of Special Issues

Guest Co-editor, Special Issue of Production and Operations Management Journal on “Global Supply Risk Management”, Volume 23, No 12, 2014

Guest Co-editor, Special Issue of Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Management on “Supply Risk Management”, Volume 29, Issue 1, January 2012

Guest Co-editor, International Journal of Production Economics, Special Issue on Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Volume 111, Issue 2, February 2008

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 


Research Awards / Recognitions

2007-2010, 2011-2014: Desautels Faculty Scholar Award, Research in Supply Chain Management, Endowed Chair, ۲ݮƵ University

2007, 2009, 2010: Merit award from M&SOM (Manufacturing and Service Operations Management) Journal

2009, 2010: Merit award from Management Science

2008: IIE Transactions on Scheduling and Logistics Best Application Paper Award -"Coordination of Quantity and Shelf-Retention Timing in the Video Movie RentalIndustry".

PhD student Sachin Jayswal (University of Waterloo) got the following awards forour joint work:

- Canadian Operational Research Society student paper 1st prize for the paper “Priceand Time Differentiation in a Capacitated, Competitive Environment”

- Canadian Operational Research Society student paper prize (honourable mention) forthe paper “Product Differentiation & Operations Strategy in a CapacitatedEnvironment”

- Best Student Research Paper Award, University of Waterloo, Mgmt Sc Dept for twoconsecutive years for the above two papers

2006: Selected for OM Emerging Scholars Meeting for Production and Operations Management (POMS), Boston

2002: Dissertation nominated for the Governor General’s Gold Medal Prize, University ofWaterloo

2002: Dissertation nominated for the NSERC Research Council Doctoral Prize

2000: Best Student Research Paper Award, Department of Management Sciences, University ofWaterloo

Teaching Awards

2009: Quebec Teaching Excellence Award, Government of Quebec

2009: Awarded Desautels Teaching Award for Undergraduate Teaching, Desautels Faculty of Management, ۲ݮƵ University

2004: Nominated for the Principal’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching (Assistant Professor Category), Faculty of Management, ۲ݮƵ University

2004: Honorable mention, Management Undergraduate Society’s Teacher of the Year Award, Faculty of Management, ۲ݮƵ University

2000: Best Teaching Assistant Award, Department of Management Sciences, University ofWaterloo

Academic Honors / Scholarships

1999-2000: Faculty of Engineering Scholarship for academic excellence, University of Waterloo

1998: Graduate Entrace Scholarship, University of Waterloo

1997: Best Masters Student: Tim Kendall Gold Medal as the most outstanding graduate of the class atthe Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

1996-1997: Thailand King’s Scholarship for graduate studies

1992: Best Undergraduate Student: University Gold Medal as the best graduating student of the class atJadavpur University, Calcutta, India


2014-2017: Group Grant (Partnership Development Grant) fromSocial Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council (SSHRC) of Canada; Topic: A Convergent Innovation Coalition for Sustainable Prosperity: Development Work for Agri-Food Systems

2014-2018: Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FRQSC) Team Grant (PI: Prof.Laurette Dubé);Topic: Comportement du consommateur et dynamique de production, distribution et compétition enalimentation: Equilibrer la santé, le plaisir, et les affaires à court et long terme

2014-2015: Group Grant from Grand Challenges India (PI: E-Kutir); Topic: VeggieLite - Conjuction of Agriculture Nutrition and Health for Inclusive Development of Women

2014-2019: Group Grant (Insight Grant) fromfromSocial Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council (SSHRC) of Canada (PI: Laurette Dubé); Topic: Paths of Convergence for Agriculture, Health and Wealth: Foundational Work for a Trans-disciplinary Whole-of-Society Paradigm in Food and Nutrution Context

2012-2017: Individual Research (Discovery) Grant from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council(NSERC) of Canada;Topic: Improving Visibility, Risk Management and Economic Sustainability of Supply Chains

2008-2011: Group Grant (Management, Business and Finance) from Social Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council (SSHRC) of Canada;Topic: Operational Risk Management in Supply Chains

2006-2012: Individual Research (Discovery) Grant from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada;Topic: Optimal Customization of Supply Chains in Dynamic Environments

2012-2013: Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute Team Grant;Topic: Sustainable Food Value Chains in the Indian Context

2011-2014, 2007-2010: Desautels Faculty Scholar Award (Endowed Chair); Topic: Research in Supply Chain Management

2011-2012: Group Grant from Economic Development Agency of Canada (EDC)(with Conference Board of Canada);Topic: Integrating Quebec SMEs into Production Networks of MNCs to Heighten Levels ofCompetitiveness & SME Manufacturers in Quebec: Providing Services to Foster Growth

2011-2012: Group Grant from Canadian Purchasing Research Foundation (CPRF) part of Purchasing ManagementAssociation of Canada (PMAC) – PI;Topic: Impact of Emerging Markets on Canadian Firms

2011-2016: Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Team Grant (PI: Prof. Laurette Dubé);Topic: Foundational Work for a Brain-to-Society Diagnostic for Prevention of ChildhoodObesity and its Chronic Diseases Consequences

2010-2013: Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FRQSC) Team Grant (PI: Prof.Laurette Dubé);Topic: Comportement du consommateur et dynamique de production, distribution et compétition enalimentation (Consumer behavior and dynamics of production, distribution and competition for food)

2002-2006: Individual Research (Discovery) Grant from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada;Topic: Design of Demand-Responsive Supply Chains

2003-2006: New Researcher Grant (Individual) from Fonds Québécois de la Recherche sur la Société et la Culture (FQRSC); Topic: Decision-making for Tailored Supply Chains: An Integrated Operations-Marketing Approach

2007-2010: Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec (FRSQ) Team Grant (PI: Prof. Vedat Verter);Topic: Simulation-based decision support methodology: A tool for enhancing Emergency Department Management

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